
downhill in the olympics

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Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006
i was reading about what your sport needs to be in the olympics and it needs to be done in 75 countries. Why aren't we in the olympics, downhill is much more exicting than fencing and shotput ect.
hard to video? all we would need is a chopper up there above the course and some well placed cameramen on the couse to get the ground-level action.
Downhill skiing is essentialy the same type of filming setup, but its just easier because the whole slope is open, wide, and easy to film compared to a good DH run that would most likely be singletrack, have many turns and big trees making it harder to film with less cameramen...

it would be sick to have DH in the olympics though.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 17, 2003
Its because of the limit of certain sports in each field.

Basically for DH to be in the olympics they would have to axe another cycle event.


Dec 1, 2006
England the Great...
think it would be great, but they may consider all the diffrent brands of bikes with diffrent linkages an unfair advantage to other riders...they would try and bring in loads of regulations, like certian weights allowed and certian types for shock set up to make it all round fair...if u get what i mean:lighten:

BUT it would show who is really the best....:busted: and it could be done

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
that stupid biking around a circle thats just dumb
that stupid riding a bike down a hill wearing motocross gear, that's just dumb....

that's probably what a good deal of the track/road racers think about downhill. downhill isn't in the olympics, get over it.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006
i don't think they would do that, in boardercross there are a lot of different board designs binding designs ect but ban the ****in honda


Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2002
it should be, and would make the summer games as exciting as the winter games (what with all the gravity fed sports). As for filming, it would be great exposure considering the scale of production that the olympics put out.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
there is also the fact that downhill would be the only summer sport that requires a mountain. not particularly cost effective.

i am ok with downhill not being in the olympics. there are plenty of sports that i do that aren't the olympics, bouldering for example.


Jun 30, 2004
good ol' europe
why should a sport like dh be at the olympics... there are lots of other problems that need to be solved first .... lots of stupid rules, stupid organisations, .....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
but ban the ****in honda
where is your logic comming from on this? there is nothing unfair about that bike. it is simply pushing the envelope of technology, and has been apporved by UCI as not having a mechanical advantage whatsoever (meaning it is still 100% human powered, and not mechanicallt assisted)... maybe while you are at it you could ban DW links, super light single pivots, and rear shocks with more than 2 adjustments

DH is still a small sport, especially in terms of other cycling sports... give it time, maybe it will change. it is still a young spot that only recently really started to evolve. BMX has been around forever, and it is JUST getting in the olpympics in 2008


Nov 21, 2005
You cant use cost effictiveness to judge a certain sport's inclusion into the olympics. Do you think luge is cost effective? Yeah, lets make a giant man made slalom course down a mountain, but lets make it out of ice! You can make a downhill course with a group of people, in a week, on any mountain where there is dirt.

Who really cares if downhill is in the olympics? Will it make the sport anymore fun for you?

I really doubt you would see a turn out if you considering most pro's would be fighting over UCI points anyways, the olympics would be kind of a joke event in there.

It might be entertaining to watch downhill races on TV again like they had back on OLN years ago, shot continuously to show the riders whole run. But I really couldnt care more.

Oh, and about banning the honda? For someone who wants to try and legitimate our sport with olympic coverage, you seem to want to also pull probably its most well funded team sponsor who is pushing bike design and spending absurd amounts of money. Contradictory much ?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
okay i totally understand where you coming from wanting to get our sport into the olympic's, but heres the way i see. as of right now the trails that we do have are crowded enough with inexperianced riders trying to ride sections, and trails way out of there skill level. there for the more experianced riders get punished just because some idiot saw a rerun on T.V. now that is before we get into the olympics. now lets just take all that crap i just talked about and multiply it by 100 and that is what is gonna happen if we get out sport into the olympics. so i vote hell know i like the sport being on the back burner it allows local guys to advance up in the ranks and increase there skill levels without being interupted by some fad hore that decided to try it one day.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
You cant use cost effictiveness to judge a certain sport's inclusion into the olympics. Do you think luge is cost effective? Yeah, lets make a giant man made slalom course down a mountain, but lets make it out of ice! You can make a downhill course with a group of people, in a week, on any mountain where there is dirt.

Who really cares if downhill is in the olympics? Will it make the sport anymore fun for you?

I really doubt you would see a turn out if you considering most pro's would be fighting over UCI points anyways, the olympics would be kind of a joke event in there.

It might be entertaining to watch downhill races on TV again like they had back on OLN years ago, shot continuously to show the riders whole run. But I really couldnt care more.

Oh, and about banning the honda? For someone who wants to try and legitimate our sport with olympic coverage, you seem to want to also pull probably its most well funded team sponsor who is pushing bike design and spending absurd amounts of money. Contradictory much ?
While I agree it'd be a silly add on event, i can assure you it wouldn't be a joke. Every serious athlete worth his salt, in any sport, wishes he could be in the olympics. Just look at all the ex and current BMXers scrambling to qualify, same with the snowboarders a few years ago. They talk trash when it isn't an option, as soon as it is, it becomes serious as a heart attack. The inclusion as an olympic event would bring a flood of sponsorship dollars in as well (from corporate, to the federations taking it seriously and holding proper events and funding athletes travel toworlds, dev. programs etc).

That said, it isn't going to happen. Fringe sport, requires a mountain thus limiting venues, too many equipment variables (although the same could be argued for archery) and finally...there is already too many cycling events and the OIC is trying to cut back.


Nov 21, 2005
While I agree it'd be a silly add on event, i can assure you it wouldn't be a joke. Every serious athlete worth his salt, in any sport, wishes he could be in the olympics. Just look at all the ex and current BMXers scrambling to qualify, same with the snowboarders a few years ago. They talk trash when it isn't an option, as soon as it is, it becomes serious as a heart attack. The inclusion as an olympic event would bring a flood of sponsorship dollars in as well (from corporate, to the federations taking it seriously and holding proper events and funding athletes travel toworlds, dev. programs etc).

That said, it isn't going to happen. Fringe sport, requires a mountain thus limiting venues, too many equipment variables (although the same could be argued for archery) and finally...there is already too many cycling events and the OIC is trying to cut back.

XC mountain biking is in the olympics, the equipment variable could be said for them too? I could understand a bike weight limit ala UCI road, but is there one in the XC events?

Maybe Im weird but I feel that olympic sports should be limited to objective tests only...timed events, races, accuracy, etc where you have a clear winner. Subjective events seem like such a joke to me (olympic halfpipe...?) Not to undermine the tremendous amount of skill that stuff like ballet, gymnastics, figure skating etc take. And also not to say that there shouldnt be just as rigrous and high level of training and competition, it just shouldnt be in the olympics. While they may grade with a very rigid grading system there is no way to eliminate personal bias or taste. Its like olympic snowboard halfpipe...sure they can throw chucked and un-grabbed 1260's in the pipe, but if they land it should that be worth more then a styled tweaked 540 which almost everyone agrees looks way better?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 28, 2004
While I agree it'd be a silly add on event, i can assure you it wouldn't be a joke. Every serious athlete worth his salt, in any sport, wishes he could be in the olympics. Just look at all the ex and current BMXers scrambling to qualify, same with the snowboarders a few years ago. They talk trash when it isn't an option, as soon as it is, it becomes serious as a heart attack. The inclusion as an olympic event would bring a flood of sponsorship dollars in as well (from corporate, to the federations taking it seriously and holding proper events and funding athletes travel toworlds, dev. programs etc).

That said, it isn't going to happen. Fringe sport, requires a mountain thus limiting venues, too many equipment variables (although the same could be argued for archery) and finally...there is already too many cycling events and the OIC is trying to cut back.
Yes, thank you for words of wisdom. As for actually bringing downhill in the olympics, well, as Transcend said, OIC is trying to cut back on cycling events, so... Look at the case of BMX-->the OIC took 2 (or 3, don't quite remember) track cyclings events off the official olympic program just to fit in BMX. They mentionned they needed to attract a "younger" public to the summer olympic who are mostly composed of tradtionnal sports (except maybe triathlon and XC mtb). Of course, one would could say that mountain biking IS ALREADY in the olympics (since 1996), but then again, XC is worlds away from what DH is. It's a little bit like XC skiing and DH skiing. I really think downhill deserve a legitimate spot in the olympic, but it will maybe take a long time before it really happens.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006
the honda thing was a joke.. chill. And is anybody even working on getting us in the olympics. i bet if we had some people trying it would get done alot sooner istead of us sitting around wondering when how long its going to take


Jan 11, 2007
carpathian mountains
I agree with gnurider1080. DH But on the other hand it would be nice seeing Hill Peat and the rest on the olympics...
DH isnt a universal sport which can be orginized in any part of the world.Universal sports are the main concept of the olympic games I think.


Dec 6, 2006
downhill is a sick sport people would rather watch people flying downhills over rocks and huge jumps than some of the other sports and all the crashing would also entertain people
Jan 29, 2005
I agree with gnurider1080. DH But on the other hand it would be nice seeing Hill Peat and the rest on the olympics...
DH isnt a universal sport which can be orginized in any part of the world.Universal sports are the main concept of the olympic games I think.
I'd love to see a luge track in Africa...

This thread, like all those that came before it, is primarily misinformed individuals with only a little knowledge of what it takes to be in the Olympic. Its just bickering, and no evidence, no supported argument. My advice to everyone is to poke around and see what is actually needed to be an event. Then come back and post.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
okay i totally understand where you coming from wanting to get our sport into the olympic's, but heres the way i see. as of right now the trails that we do have are crowded enough with inexperianced riders trying to ride sections, and trails way out of there skill level. there for the more experianced riders get punished just because some idiot saw a rerun on T.V. now that is before we get into the olympics. now lets just take all that crap i just talked about and multiply it by 100 and that is what is gonna happen if we get out sport into the olympics. so i vote hell know i like the sport being on the back burner it allows local guys to advance up in the ranks and increase there skill levels without being interupted by some fad hore that decided to try it one day.

in English please?


Dec 15, 2003
Pemberton, BC
Simple answer; the majority of cities that bid for the summer olympics, where you could conceivably hold a DH race, don't have gnarly runs with chairlift access. The cities that do have gnarly runs with chairlift access, bid for the winter olympics, when you could not under any circumstances hold a DH race.

Slopestyle? Pffft. Freestyle BMX on steroids has a far better chance of making the X-Games than it does of ever making the olympics.


Apr 28, 2006
Why? SLopestyles courses can be built anywhere, remember the Red Bull event in Boston in 04', they just made a bunch of bridges and imported dirt, they did the same in Baltimore. Now with that said, there is more of a crowd for slopstyles becuase the average person can relate to it, it looks hard and stunning. The average person doesnt know how hard to it is to ride smooth and fast on a downhill trail. IMO slopstyles has a much better chance for the olympics, but hey im just a mis-informed idiot :)


Dec 15, 2003
Pemberton, BC
Slopestyle won't get in because there's not a snowflakes chance in hell that the UCI would sacrifice a road/track event in favour of a niche mountain bike event that they've never actually sanctioned. There is a limit to the number of cycling events at the Olympics, to get a new one in, an old one has to be cut, and the UCI nearly shat multicoloured kittens over the decision to put BMX racing in ahead of a track event, which is over 30 years old and the biggest and most legitimised 'dirt racing' discipline in the world. Some of your points are valid, but it takes even less effort to build a BMX street course and the tricks are even bigger and more impressive to the average punter than what goes down in Slopestyle plus it's been around much longer and it has a much larger fan base and potential pool of competitors.


Jun 9, 2006
once your sport makes it into the olympics, it's totally sold out to the masses.
open any snowboard mag, it's more of a fashion movement than a sport nowdays.
go watch the movie 'klunkerz' and take it back to the roots!!!


Jun 16, 2006
Moving vans to the rescue!

It worked for the Wchamps in Rotorua.
Bobsleds costing a million us dollars probably give a bigger percentage advantage of the time spread than advanced DH bikes do. No reason why fat national olympic organisations shouldn't fund leading edge competitive bikes for their olympic contenders in DH like they do for road and track. Theres close to 100 companies pursuing high performance chassis design in DH bikes now so plenty to choose from.
Frankly I think DH has far more of a following than sports like curling and the sledding disciplines and gravity sports shouldn't be restricted to the winter. Location is no issue. sports like shooting, sailing and equestrian are usually some distance from the village.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
once your sport makes it into the olympics, it's totally sold out to the masses.
open any snowboard mag, it's more of a fashion movement than a sport nowdays.
go watch the movie 'klunkerz' and take it back to the roots!!!
That is exactly what's wrong with curling, 10m air rifle, and double scull rowing. When these sports went Olympic, they just sold out.

If you think snowboarding "sold out" because of the Olympics, you must not bought a board magazine until Shaun White won a gold.

Personally, I am looking forward to BMX in the olympics....

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
Slopestyle won't get in because there's not a snowflakes chance in hell that the UCI would sacrifice a road/track event in favour of a niche mountain bike event that they've never actually sanctioned. There is a limit to the number of cycling events at the Olympics, to get a new one in, an old one has to be cut, and the UCI nearly shat multicoloured kittens over the decision to put BMX racing in ahead of a track event, which is over 30 years old and the biggest and most legitimised 'dirt racing' discipline in the world. Some of your points are valid, but it takes even less effort to build a BMX street course and the tricks are even bigger and more impressive to the average punter than what goes down in Slopestyle plus it's been around much longer and it has a much larger fan base and potential pool of competitors.
many good and pragmatic points here.
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