The receptionist in the lobby had just started working here 2 weeks ago and is inthe hosptial as is his friend who rode to the hospital with the bloody mass that was a person.
And now we find out that this guy selfishly put a crapload of people through a bunch of trauma for what? To off himself? That's crappy. It's one thing to off yourself, but it's another to subject a bunch of people to it.
And now we find out that this guy selfishly put a crapload of people through a bunch of trauma for what? To off himself? That's crappy. It's one thing to off yourself, but it's another to subject a bunch of people to it.
He put it in the interoffice mail, a message from the dead I guess.
The part that really burns about it is that we are a half block from the Chicago River and people jump in there all the time. If he had done it that way nobody would have had to see this.
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