
Dread and Terror (billions of pics)


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Derek and I rode the Dread and Terror section of the Umpqua Trail on Saturday. We did it as an out and back of around 25 miles. The map shows it mostly downhill on the way out but with 2200' of climbing, and all uphill on the way back with 3600' of climbing or something like that. It didn't make sense to me and while it was a lot of climbing, it didn't feel like that much. Maybe it's because I'm coming off the Ridemonkey week of riding last week and my legs are immune to pain?

Anyway, this ride is really spectacular with plenty of places to ride off the cliff and kill yourself. :banana: The views of Umpqua River are amazing and the lush forests are refreshing. The trail is muddy pretty much year round and despite it being the end of summer, sunny, and hot, it was still muddy in places. I ain't complaining though...not with a great ride like this. :clapping:

Picture dump begins now. :picsstfu:

Derek crossing the Umpqua River shortly after we started.

These switchbacks were fun going down of course, but a bit more challenging on the climb back up.

The angel sits atop a bluff that seeminly overlooks the entire world.

Me riding around the edge of that cliff.

Lemolo Falls. This picture doesn't do justice.

Me on the switchback heading back up to the start.

Lemolo Lake where we started our ride.

I was ready to rob this squirrel of his food I was so hungry at the end.

Next time we'll camp and get in some of the other sections of the trail as well. In all it's somewhere around 80 miles of singletrack. YUM!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Awesomeness... i need to get down there i haven't done an Oregon ride yet this year. Just not enough time in a year...

BTW is that an old vulcaner across the lake? If ya don't know ya better learn, gotta know all dem vulcaners and peaks if yer an experienced backcountry rider.:biggrin: