
Drink your water in abundance...take it from me


Well I went in for my third kidney stone surgery yesterday and let me tell you, it's not fun! Surgery went well however they leave stint in which is basically a hollowed out rubber straw like thing that goes from the kidney, through the tubing and into the bladder. Doing this helps the kidney repair after surgery and doesn't allow for it to close up. However, not only do I have a stint in but they left a string attached to it that comes all the way out my d!ck hole and hangs about 5 inches below. Last night I took 3 hot showers just to have my bodies sensitivity's focused on something other than my pain. It took a good 6 hours of pee attempts to finally get it flowing again. Each time I pee the string(which is like dental floss) rubs the inside of my schlong causing major irritation and bleeding.

There not sure why I get em, they are actually going to be doing some studies to figure out why but I wanted to share with you all what a wonderful time I'm having...

Anyhow, keep hydrated so you don't have to experience this. I thought I pass on the news to ya'll so you can take preventive steps to avoid this sh!t.

Peace out my fellow Monkeys!



Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Is this your 3rd stone, or your 3rd surgery for stones? I've had 4 stones (I'm 28), but only one wasn't passable. Having them remove the stint was the worst part of it for me.

Have they ever analyzed the stones to find out what they are made of? Mine are calcium/oxylate(sp). Doctors told me to drink a minimum of 96oz per day (especially if/when I was physically active - thank god for hydration packs) and lay off the beer and cranberry juice. Said citrus juices were best for me (the real ones, not mixes)... OJ, grapefruit juice, etc. Something about the acid in them...

Hydration is definitely the key for me.

BTW... take the hottest bath you can stand - it will help relax the muscles. If you can find a hot tub, that's even better.


Nam I am
I have only had 1 stone and that was more than enough for me!!!

Take his advice
I was in so much pain , they were worried I was going to have a heart attack ! it took 3 shots of morphine to dring it down.

I think I'll go drink a pint ( or may be 2 ! ) of h2O right about now!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
The doc gave me a perscription for Loritabs after my one and only stone... I took a half of one once and swore I'd never take another one since them are potent drugs...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
My wife has passed a few stones......... the doctor told her she drink too much soda and not enough water. Now if she feels like one is coming on she drinks a lot of cranberry juice for a while and it goes away.
Yep no fun fella's, the reason for the great detail is so that you all can learn from my pain. For those of you who know what I'm talking about it's no fun. Kidney stones are not uncommon and most men with have one or two or many in their lives. I've been reading up on these lil buggers. Thankfully and unthankfully depending on how I look at it, they were to big to pass. I've had a total of around 8 of them now, this was my third surgery. I've been to the ER room about 5 or 6 times now to ease the pain. You want to talk about pain, try passing one that is the size of an m&m, only it doesn't pass it just covers the tube so when your kidney fills up with urine, there's some major pressure going on. I remember the first time I had them I dropped to my knees and didn't know wtf was going on, crying like a lil girl. I also remember many of nights in the hot shower. We do have a big bath tub finally(new house) but bath tubs aren't the cleanest things to go in with strings hanging out as it can cause an infection.

And for the guy who said just pull on the string, well thats what's going to happen this time next week. The doctor said I could do it at home(yeah fvckin' right!) So I might just have my wife do it after about a 5th of JD.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
the Inbred said:
what will hurt worse is if my expensive ass medical insurance only covers prescriptions. argh.

Yeah, that will suck. My insurance pick up the tab for my stone which involved 4 days in the hospital, surgury, and medications. I think I had to pay a $15 copay by the time it was all over.

Oh, getting the stint pulled out is the worse part besides the pain of the stone itself.


Jun 10, 2002
oh, forgot the best part. they asked for a urine sample in the hospital. at this time, i was hurting pretty bad. i pissed in a cup, and it looked like cherry kool-aid. no sign of urine, looked like pure blood.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Dude that sucks, i've been there done that.....

Get it taken care of, many times a stone is just a chip off a bigger stone you are carrying around. Pay the money, eliminating that kind of pain is worth the sacrifice.
the Inbred said:
i got a cat scan, and all i've got is a little tiny stone.
Sorry to hear about the bad news. Little or not, they still hurt like a mafawka! I remember passing just a sliver of one of my 3/4 th inch thick stones, and it felt like someone stabbed me in the back and kicked me in the nuts all at once. Good luck man, let us know what they end up doing. Dr. pepper piss is always fun, let us know if you get a stint with a string to play with, that's fun when you get a stiffy and the string rubs against the inside of your dong as you power up... :eek:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
NineFingers said:
Sorry to hear about the bad news. Little or not, they still hurt like a mafawka! I remember passing just a sliver of one of my 3/4 th inch thick stones, and it felt like someone stabbed me in the back and kicked me in the nuts all at once. Good luck man, let us know what they end up doing. Dr. pepper piss is always fun, let us know if you get a stint with a string to play with, that's fun when you get a stiffy and the string rubs against the inside of your dong as you power up... :eek:
Did you really have to type that last sentence? :dead:

Any other ways to prevent these suckers besides drinking a lot of water?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
Thats horrible. WHats the string connected to, you might pull something out? I hope that string problem and the others get better. I just drank a bottle of water. I drink alot of orange juice.

I don't get the pun?


Apr 11, 2005
thread...as in string.....which, ironically, is also the name that we internet forum perusers use for a post about a topic. Therefore its also "pun-ny" because of the fact that you have to have a string out of your dong if you need surgery for kidney stones, and since a string can also be called a thread....hopefully it didnt take you reading all the way to here to figure that out. This last bit is only to keep the dullards entertained.
*GO Back to top, do not pass go, do not collect 200$ asshat* :thumb:


Jun 14, 2002
Santa Monica
I have been really addicted to soda the last few years ( damn free soda at work and 15-18 hour days!), and have been wrestling with kicking the habit, if you will, and tring to drink alot more water. I think I now have proper motivation! I am on my second full glass of water since I read the first post. :D


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
brenth said:
I am on my second full glass of water since I read the first post. :D
That's funny. I'm on my second beer since first reading the post.

Word to working late on a sunday night.


Jun 10, 2002
big stone just passed, and i felt almost nothing. it's about 5mm wide and 3mm across. i don't know how that compares to y'all's, but that's pretty big in my eyes. ****in' huge, actually. oddly enough, i went to the urologist today.