
Drivetrain Problem...HELP


Aug 5, 2004
Cromwell, CT
I have run into a bit of a dilema with my drivetrain set-up so any help would be appreciated. I am atempting to build a fr/dh bike and two of the pieces i have are a 02 DaBomb Mindbomb frame and a mrp lrp. The frame has a design similar to this http://www.dabombbike.com/htm/product/frames-projectile.htm# .My questions are:

1. How is it possible to run a dual ring system on this frame?

2. If i can't run a dual ring system is there any way to run a single ring system with the mrp lrp?



Turbo Monkey
Feb 21, 2004
Falls Church, VA
I don't see why not. But, you won't get the same benefits as a normal guide system. Just make sure you rotate the roller as high up as you can get it on the iscg mounts. Also make sure you're getting a good chainline since that frame uses a 165mm hub.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
The front derailleur acts as part of the LRP guide system. You're likely going to be dropping a lot of chains if you run it on that Mindbomb, sans front derailleur obviously.

You could give it a shot, but I'd be looking for a single-ring guide right now if I were you.


Edit: If your goal is seriously to run a dual-ring setup, there's a chance you could do it with an E13 DRS. You'd need to use an e-type front derailleur, remove it from its mounting flange, and bolt it to the guide backplate. Then you'd need to run a full-length cable housing to the front deraileur, ziptying it to the frame and using a hose clamp on the final ferrule to simulate a cable stop.

Not for the faint-of-heart. Nor particularly useful with that bike, IMHO. Also expensive.