
drkenan is in trouble....


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
How stupid can you be? Now this will be the very first thing that pops up every time someone googles her name. Streisand effect, you dumb bitch.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I published this on Yelp about a local vet and our trip there with my GF's dog.

I would love to give this place 4 or even five stars, but until the desk staff can learn to mind their business and not interject absolute bull**** opinion into conversations they weren't involved in, I don't think I will go back there.

Allow me to elaborate...

Sometime ago my girlfriend and her loveable but retarded Greyhound were really seriously attacked by an off leash pit bull. The long story short version is that it almost killed her dog, and damn near killed her as a result of infection. The long term gift from this special breed was a finger on her hand that will never work right again and a much earned case of PTSD.

Fast forward to a couple nights ago. We're there because the loveable but yet retarded Greyhound messed up her foot later in the evening. Greyhounds are pretty good at messing up their feet with long term problems as a result, so everyone thought it prudent to go in and have her checked.

As we sat there waiting, low and behold, some hipster with his pit bull that he couldn't really control. She asks him to keep his dog away from her, at which a point he goes into a mini-tirade about how safe these dogs were. She again asked him nicely to back off, to which he didn't take the hint. Right about here is where University Animal Hospital's staff should have either a) moved him to another area or at a minimum b) stayed out of the conversation.

But in this world, no one is that lucky.

The dingbat behind the desk then jumps in and offers up her opinion about how "its not the breed, its the owners" and that "they can all be trained." Mind you 30 minutes later when the dog and his hipster come out of the back, the dog damn near ripped his arm off lunging at another dog with all sorts of "love and good training" in its eyes as it went for the other dog's throat.

There's an expression I liked when I lived in New Orleans. Its called "mind your ****ing business!" If you're not going to do anything to deal with a problem in your waiting area, then stay out of the way.
He then called my GF, not me, and demanded that I take the review down or that there "were going to be some very severe consequences." He pretty much threatened her and her dog and cat that if it didn't come down he was going to do something to the pets the next time they were in there.

We had words. He didn't have the same tough stuff to say to me. I hate it when people can't deal with the consequences of crappy services.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I published this on Yelp about a local vet and our trip there with my GF's dog.

He then called my GF, not me, and demanded that I take the review down or that there "were going to be some very severe consequences." He pretty much threatened her and her dog and cat that if it didn't come down he was going to do something to the pets the next time they were in there.

We had words. He didn't have the same tough stuff to say to me. I hate it when people can't deal with the consequences of crappy services.
did you use your lawyer words or your angry man chainsaw?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
What ever happened to DrKenan? He made me laugh.
didn't he own a catering place or something in asheville.....if i knew the location i'd leave fake poop on the sidewalk for him to hose off.....if i'm remembering the same person/story correctly...

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Sorry you guys have not heard from Kenan lately. It is my fault. I $hit on his front porch for fun, but when he came out the front door he slipped and sat in it. He had to be put in a mental institution.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Sorry you guys have not heard from Kenan lately. It is my fault. I $hit on his front porch for fun, but when he came out the front door he slipped and sat in it. He had to be put in a mental institution.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Kenan is most likely knee deep in lawsuits stemming from his most recent trip to New Zealand where he no doubt carved a scathing review of his tour guide into the flanks of over 17,00 sheep.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Kenan is most likely knee deep in lawsuits stemming from his most recent trip to New Zealand where he no doubt carved a scathing review of his tour guide into the flanks of over 17,00 sheep.
Perhaps he is a 19y/o Chechnyan immigrant living in Cambridge MA?