
Drying/preserving/using your home grown


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
So - my herb garden has gotten a bit out of hand.
I gave it a haircut and am attempting to dry:
* Sage
* Dill
* Italian Parsley

My spearmint and peppermint I combined in the chopper and have frozen.

My basil and oregano are used frequently enough that they didn't require a haircut at this time.

My cilantro has been killed by the spearmint.

So - anyone else attempt to preserve their herbs? I can't figure out what else to do with my mint. We can't drink/eat enough mint on a daily basis to keep up with its massive growth.

I was thinking of trying my hand at making lotions/soaps/candles with mint. But I dunno...I have my moments of utter blondeness in the kitchen, and I'd hate to do something uber dumb with those kind of chemicals.

Thoughts? Suggestions?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
we froze a bunch of basil ice cubes one year & while it wasnt as good as fresh basil it was pretty good.

all we did was chiffonade the basil cram it into ice trays pour water over the top, freeze, pop them out & throw them into a freezer bag.

I guess this could work with other herbs too.