
DSO kept me awake all night now it's Saturday


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Barking at something outside, probably bruin related.

Just the prep I wanted for a 7 hour planned ride...


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Spend all morning cleaning up in the garage. It's been neglected since I broke my collarbone last year and had become more and more and unstructured dumping ground. Threw out a lot of shit and biggest job missing is taking empty bottles to the recycling station. I even did a little bit of wood work as I took a wood shelf and cut it to size so it can be outside the garage under the roof for easy access to my garden tools and miscellaneous shit. A quick and dirty job but it looks okay just need to be painted same color as the garage.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Got to bed late, as Wifey and Haley got home late from a block party I left early to put Hannah to bed. Not unexpectedly, Wifey was knackered and a neighbor walked/carried her home. Haley commented about how bad it was, which is pretty fucking bad. So not looking forward to today, because we need to have a 'come to Jesus' moment about her drinking.

Need to finish the baseboards in Haley's bedroom today, but can't until she wakes up. Which will likely be late, as she didn't get home until after 11pm. Really doesn't help my pace of getting things done.

She apparently bitched about Haley karting the whole way to the house last night too. She has yet, in 11mos, to ask Haley what she likes and wants to do. Just says that she needs to keep trying cheer/gymnastics (which gave her mental trauma before), despite Haley saying she's not interested. So also on today's come to Jesus conversation topics...



Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

On the way to meet a few friends for a ride.

We'll see how it goes, I've been getting horrible sleeps this week and have been waking up with headaches. And ever since that kidney stone, my lower back has been aching if I cough or anything like that. Blargh!

Oh well, sun's out at least. :)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
taking empty bottles to the recycling station
Enlightened Northern Europe doesn’t have single stream curbside recycling as does backwards Denver?!

/me had the customary morning snuggles with middle child. Going to get the Land Cruiser wheelset swapped over and have them do an oil change for good measure.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Got to bed late, as Wifey and Haley got home late from a block party I left early to put Hannah to bed. Not unexpectedly, Wifey was knackered and a neighbor walked/carried her home. Haley commented about how bad it was, which is pretty fucking bad. So not looking forward to today, because we need to have a 'come to Jesus' moment about her drinking.

Need to finish the baseboards in Haley's bedroom today, but can't until she wakes up. Which will likely be late, as she didn't get home until after 11pm. Really doesn't help my pace of getting things done.

She apparently bitched about Haley karting the whole way to the house last night too. She has yet, in 11mos, to ask Haley what she likes and wants to do. Just says that she needs to keep trying cheer/gymnastics (which gave her mental trauma before), despite Haley saying she's not interested. So also on today's come to Jesus conversation topics...

Maybe you need a "come to Satan" conversation instead.... ;)
I think it is great that you support your daughter's activities, although they are a quite big investment in time and money. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Enlightened Northern Europe doesn’t have single stream curbside recycling as does backwards Denver?!
He lives in the big city, they are a little behind. :D
Me, living in the sticks, has 3 different trash cans with split compartments for: garbage/food waste, paper+cardboard/plastic and metal/glass.

On a more serious note, it depends on the municipality that you live in what recycling options you have.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
He lives in the big city, they are a little behind. :D
Me, living in the sticks, has 3 different trash cans with split compartments for: garbage/food waste, paper+cardboard/plastic and metal/glass.

On a more serious note, it depends on the municipality that you live in what recycling options you have.
Single stream is so much nicer. I put everything ostensibly recyclable in my two big 65 gal bins and then they separate it.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Maybe you need a "come to Satan" conversation instead.... ;)
I think it is great that you support your daughter's activities, although they are a quite big investment in time and money. :thumb:
I talked to the neighbor across the street last night, who is dad of Haley's best friends. They are on travelling dance and cheer teams. He's spending $600/m, before mandatory outfits and travel costs, on each girl per month. Karting has a higher front end cost than that, but we will have a lower running cost.

Thankfully I have a very full tool kit, so my tool need will be quite a bit less. Only a few specialized tools, most of which can be had used. @jebfour already sent one which he had left over from his karting days, that was a huge help. I need to sort out hauling, but you can do just about anything with a rental trailer or truck.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Single stream is so much nicer. I put everything ostensibly recyclable in my two big 65 gal bins and then they separate it.
Single stream is a joke. It’s easier for the individual, but the end result is much less usable.I’m reminded of this when I hear the glass being crushed in the back of the recycling (garbage) truck each week.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
soccer soccer soccer

then a birthday party at a kid's house who has an indoor pool. fancy

place my last couple orders for the spooky and think about stickers n shit


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
It rained all night. Hasn't rained in what seems like a year. Luckily i rolled up the windows in my truck before it got dark.

@stoney I've tried the morning after "come to Jebus" moments with friends who are drunkards but theyre always still drunk or hungover and dont listen.

Gonna sneak out on my new gravel bike for a shake down and see if a) the bike works as designed and b) if my knee works as designed. Should be cool and wet.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006

On the way to meet a few friends for a ride.

We'll see how it goes, I've been getting horrible sleeps this week and have been waking up with headaches. And ever since that kidney stone, my lower back has been aching if I cough or anything like that. Blargh!

Oh well, sun's out at least. :)
Glad you are feeling better. Is it possible you piss out a Stone on the ride? Have a Stoney Ride Brother.



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
It rained all night. Hasn't rained in what seems like a year. Luckily i rolled up the windows in my truck before it got dark.

@stoney I've tried the morning after "come to Jebus" moments with friends who are drunkards but theyre always still drunk or hungover and dont listen.

Gonna sneak out on my new gravel bike for a shake down and see if a) the bike works as designed and b) if my knee works as designed. Should be cool and wet.
Good point. There's going to be a bit more beyond the drunk conversation, so weekend is the only time to have it, as I can send the girls off to play across the street. *So* looking forward to today.

And to add insult to injury, I still can't find a way to get the kart to the track tomorrow as my trailer wiring hasn't shown up yet and she refuses to let us use the Pilot to transport it.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Today's skatalogical morning post: $50 //////monacle poop kit*

*I'll stick to my pull up a rock and poop strategy, but thankfully MT =|= CO re: Backcountry shit show (yet)
Weekend warrior’s poop kit. Lol, that thing is a boat anchor. Also needs more zippers and decorations. If half of their target audience would simply carry an extra ziplock to pack out their TP there wouldn’t be a problem.

Oh yeah, in an emergency or when the ground is too hard to break, pull up a rock and go to work.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Glad you are feeling better. Is it possible you piss out a Stone on the ride? Have a Stoney Ride Brother.

I assume the stone is long gone, but yes a stoney ride. :busted:

Told the guys I'm done at the bottom of one of the hills, b-lined it back for a beer. Awaiting their return.

Even if I feel like absolute ass and like a slug, what a nice day out there. Currently 65F and sunny as heck, so in other words, perfect for bikes.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Overslept. Taking the F350 into the shop for cooling system service. I was going to go for a road ride while they worked on it. No time to throw the bike and gear in. Just made it to the show on time. So I walked to my office and did paperwork. Now it's raining. Shit happens for a reason.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
What up, bub. I rode 80 miles on the tri bike at "race effort." Averaged 18.6 mph. Good ride but I'd be happier if that was a little faster. Starting at 38 degrees while wearing multiple layers probably doesn't help. Went for a 4 mile brick run after the ride. I'm pooped.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Yard work, eww.

I talked to the neighbor across the street last night, who is dad of Haley's best friends. They are on travelling dance and cheer teams. He's spending $600/m, before mandatory outfits and travel costs, on each girl per month. Karting has a higher front end cost than that, but we will have a lower running cost.
All kids sports are a money pit. We’re at $250/month for swim and gymnastics and that’s just the “entertain a toddler level”. Shit is bonkers, but at least with the kart she’s not going to outgrow the major expense for a good long while and it’ll still be worth something when she does or if she loses interest.

Gymnastics/cheer/dance are probably double the cost of karting all things considered, more lopsided if you can do most of the wrenching yourself, but used gear and you kid doesn’t mind camping out at the track. There is no such thing as a used dance costume, and they all have to stay at the hotel with the group. When my wife was a dance coach for her HS the dollar figures made my head spin. Plus she can still get a lot out of a cheap trip to the indoor track, there is no similar alternative for the typicalkids sports.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
you can do just about anything with a rental trailer or truck.
Enterprise Truck Rental. Towing is explicitly ok and if you rent a HD 8’ bed you can surely just toss the kart in there.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Enlightened Northern Europe doesn’t have single stream curbside recycling as does backwards Denver?!

/me had the customary morning snuggles with middle child. Going to get the Land Cruiser wheelset swapped over and have them do an oil change for good measure.
This is bottles with a deposit which is really high in Denmark and you have to take them to a store and put them into a machine. Everything else except glass is separated into: Misc waster, food waste, plastic, metal, paper and cardboard and once a month garden waste. A total of 4 bins where some has two rooms.