
Dude, Where's My Country.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Okay so Moore is a sarcastic person. So lets just get that out of the way.

He points out in the chapter on how to talk to your conservative brother in law, some mistakes of leftist thought. I found them interesting and would like to discuss them. These are not direct quotes unless I use " " . So I guess the opposite of what he states is what is considered liberal thought.

1. Mumia probably killed the cop.

2. "Drugs are bad. The **** you up, slow you down, and ruin you daily exisitence."

3. Men and women are different. Men like to kill things.

4. It is a bad idea to have sex before you are 18.

5. MTV sucks.

6. Granola is bad for you.

7. The sun is good for you.

8. Violent criminals should be locked up.

9. "Your children do not have a right to privacy and you better pay attention to what they are up to."

10. Not all labor unions are good.

11. SUV's are not evil.

12. "Getting back to nature is a dumb idea. Nature doesn't want you anywhere near it. That's why nature invented cities--to keep you as far way as possible."

13. Bill O'Reilly can make a few good points.

14. Religious people have as much right to be religious as non-religious people have to be non-religious.

15. Knock off the PC crap and say whats on your mind.

16. "Animal's don't have rights."

17. Nixon was more liberal than the last 5 presidents elected.

I don't disagree with any one of these points.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I don't get it. These are things he believes? How do "the sun is good for you" and "granola is bad for you" relate to the rest? There is no continuity in this list, I'm confused.

Can you translate the list into the intended message (or actual viewpoint)?

Ack this thread is like a calculus problem.....


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by Ridemonkey
I don't get it. These are things he believes? How do "the sun is good for you" and "granola is bad for you" relate to the rest? There is no continuity in this list, I'm confused.

Can you translate the list into the intended message (or actual viewpoint)?

Ack this thread is like a calculus problem.....
Moore writes: " Admit the left has made some mistakes. Ouch. This is a tough one. I know, screw them, we're not the ones who need to confess! But if you admit that, on occasion, you have been wrong, it's easier for the other person to consider what they have been wrong about, too. It also makes you appear more human and less of a jerk. I sat here for two days staring at the computer before I could continue on this point, but here's a start on what we have been wrong about:"

Then he lists off the stuff liberals are probably wrong about.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i accept all but #6 - granola rocks!

also, i don't like his part of the book that essentially communicates: if you are not rich/successful, you are most likely NOT to get rich/successful, and the cards are stacked against you, and other defeatist statements.

oh, check out spinsanity's write up. Yes, it's harsh.

And yes, there also needs to be one for anorexic annie. (but, at least she has an action figure -- you'll have to wait to get yours :D )


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by $tinkle
also, i don't like his part of the book that essentially communicates: if you are not rich/successful, you are most likely NOT to get rich/successful, and the cards are stacked against you, and other defeatist statements.


"I know, may of you don't think it's that bleak. Sure, times may be tough, but you think you will survive. You'll be that one person who somehow escapes the madness. You are not going to give up the dream of having your slice of the pie. In fact, some of you believe the whole pie might some day be yours."

Chapter 7, Horatio Alger Must Die.

Moore is saying that poor people will support economic and tax policies that benefit the wealthy in the hopes that some day they (the poor) will be able to "join them (the rich) at the table."

I like the point he makes. I see people in my community who have no idea that NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA and the like make their jobs go away and pay decrease. They just know the right for their bosses to trade freely is rightous and damn well better go through. It would be like the cow demanding more butchers.