So I am chillin Saturday and the phone rings. It is my bitch step niece that I have not talked to since Christmas of 2002. She lives 3 miles from me, but it a c%^t and I can't stand to be around her pretentious stupid ass. So now she is calling everyone she knows and asking them to give her money that she pledged for hungry kids. Ok how f'in stupid am I? Why wouldn't I just call a charity and donate instead of giving some dumb bitch $29.95? How lame is it to not even have a round number? Long story short, she won't likely call back. I have officially been hateful. Having spent some time with her sister in Chicago last week, I was tweeked when she called. Seems she just calls everyone she knows. I know they call it a job, but it is not. Get a real job for Christ's sake and quit buggin people I say. Anyone else have lame ass relatives? They suck. :mumble: :mumble: