
Durable gloves and socks?


Dec 9, 2004
Hey folks, I am looking for some durable gloves and socks. My usual choices have been letting me down.

I have tried socks from DeFeet, Sock Guy and SmartWool and I always get holes in the toes and heels after perhaps 12 months. I'm not walking outside in these socks and I only ride about once a week. :thumb: Any suggestions?

As for gloves, I like the fit and feel of Fox gloves, but they start to split at the seams after 12-18 months. Perhaps this is to be expected from an item that sees so much wear, but I would welcome any input on something a little tougher. I just looked at Mechanix gloves at Home Depot and didn't find anything that was quite right. :(


Paul in Harrisonburg, VA


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Hey Paul,
Not sure you'll ever find what you're looking for. I've had some pairs of gloves last a long time, but many more last less than 12 months. I'm about to toss my Giro Xen gloves for this reason. I think more and more brands have switched to bottom dollar manufacturing as the consumer usually doesn't notice, or just replaces them.

So...Honestly...I suggest you simply replace them when they wear out, or get some tremendously heavy duty gloves like cowhide, or get some motocross gloves and make the best of it.

I wish I had better news, but virtually every brand of glove I've tried, mechanix, fox, Giro, and a few other mechanic's glove sets have all failed on me in a relatively short amount of time.

As for socks, same deal. Maybe keep your toenails shorter? I have some cheap cutter synth socks I got from Chainlove and they tear really easily, but no holes yet.


Dec 9, 2004
Yeah, toenails are (generally) clipped. I have one pair of Patagonia socks that are 15 yrs old, but I dont wear them often. Perhaps I will give Patagucci a try....

Thx for the response! :thumb:


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Sorry I can't be of more help, I just don't know of anything that's as durable as you describe. I think you'll have to start looking into professional mountaineering gear if that's how quickly you burn things.

If ultra durable gloves are really what you're after, you can try these: http://www.envirosafetyproducts.com/hexarmor-4018-ultimate-l5-glove.html. I bought a set for myself at work, but they were too large for me. I've passed them on to a friend, who though not picky in selection, is very hard on his parts, and he still hasn't ruined them yet. They have a very thick palm that IMO wouldn't be suitable to riding, but he loves them. Keeps telling me they're the only pair of gloves he's never chewed through.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Patagonia doesn't make socks like they used too. I have some in that age range as well and can't find anything that compares with the exception of Cabelas Outfitter house brand but even they fall short.

Gloves... between sweat, dirt and crashes they just don't last me longer than 12 months at best. My favorite are 661 Raji.


Dec 9, 2008
Johnson City, Tn
Gloves = Fox Bombers = awesome. I had set for over a year (now replaced with a new set of Bombers) they still get used as work gloves (2 years total)


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
As a woman with small hands, I have always had a difficult time finding gloves that fit, let alone last. My husband likes the fit of his FOX gloves, but we haven't gotten them to last more than 12 months either. He has some Adidas gloves and some Mavic gloves that he also likes and they are over a year old now, but he rotates which gloves he wears and rides 2x per week or more.

Socks -- I LOVE my Swiftwick socks. They are durable, fit great and I have had some pairs for over 2 years now and they look brand new. I wear them for hiking, biking, snowmobiling and just as my everyday socks.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Just socks that can't be put on upside down. Would save years off my life.