
Duryea RollCall!


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
big mike i passed you on the way home i think i took a pic of your car too. did you have a guy with the hamburgler with out a head on his bike too


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
big mike i passed you on the way home i think i took a pic of your car too. did you have a guy with the hamburgler with out a head on his bike too

Yep, that was me!

People drive REALLY fast in PA! I was hanging at 80, and getting passed like I was doing 40! It was pretty cool to see so many DH bikes going down the road though :)

It was a great race, never experianced anything like that before. That town is cool as crap too. I think the hardest part of the course was hanging on to the sides of the truck on the way up :imstupid: