
Eakin Bros. no more.


Mar 16, 2004
University Place
I have been getting asked alot about my bro and I lately, so I am just going to set the record straight. The reason Tige and I have not been at the races lately is because I crashed badly in Whistler a few months ago, and could not finish the season. Tige has decided to walk away from riding/racing all together. He has his first child on the way and decided enough was enough. He has become extremely busy with his career, and needed to spend more time at home. I can't say i'm not bummed about his discision, but I stand behind him 100%. I have been extremely fortunate to be able to race for so many years with my brother! I don't think I could have accomplished as much as I did without him.
As for next year, I will be coming back to the races. I have totally missed seeing everyone, and racing with all my friends. It sucks getting hurt!
So see you guys on the trail!
Kim Eakin


Mar 17, 2002
Everett, Wa
Family, responsibilty and the requirements to support are important decisions, especialy with new additions. I wish Tige all the luck in the world on his choice for one of lifes greatest adventures. He will be missed at the races but hopefully he can still come out and get a fun ride in every once in awhile. As for you, well you have the whole extended PNW MTB family to keep you in the game. You bout healed up and ready to hit it again? :thumb: :evil:


Aug 8, 2002
Thats cool man hope to see you guys soon...It'll be atleast Two more months for me hope its sooner for you.....PEACE


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Fight the good fight and all things work out good eventually. i feel good knowing as i sit here with my broken leg that at least i don't have Kathy Bates taking care of me with a bat like in the movie "Misery". :eek:

keep an extra steed around for the times your brother want's to recaptures some of that luv. :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
The racing scene hasn't been the same this summer without you two :( I have heard from numerous riders how they missed your words of encouragement and positive attitude this season.

Best of luck to Tige and his family :D


Mar 16, 2004
University Place
evilbob said:
Family, responsibilty and the requirements to support are important decisions, especialy with new additions. I wish Tige all the luck in the world on his choice for one of lifes greatest adventures. He will be missed at the races but hopefully he can still come out and get a fun ride in every once in awhile. As for you, well you have the whole extended PNW MTB family to keep you in the game. You bout healed up and ready to hit it again? :thumb: :evil:
I am almost ready to start letting go and really riding. I have been up to Whistler a few times, but the shoulder still hurts, and I couldn't get the cobwebs out of my head. :nopity: I think this weekend is going to be different! See ya' soon!


Mar 16, 2004
University Place
huckerAJ said:
Thats cool man hope to see you guys soon...It'll be atleast Two more months for me hope its sooner for you.....PEACE
I read about the docs prognosis. That sucks! I have been there several times before and it isn't fun. Keep your chin up, take care of what you need to take care of,(selling the bike) and come back stronger! If you need anything at all, just give me a buzz.
Hey since you can't ride, let me know a day you can go kick it on the lake. I will bring the boat up to lake washington and we'll go screw around. :nuts:


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing

Pass on to Tige my respect, thanks for the positive encoruagment, and luck to his upcoming new family addition. Ive always been impressed by more than just the E Bros riding abilities and style. You have both done alot to help the new racers including myself and many of my team mates. Many thanks!! As disapointing as the Current race series can be at times, I always walk away with a good feeling of brotherhood that has built over the past few years. Tiges absence will be noticed.

Hopefully in time your bro will ride again, if not for competition, just for the fun of it. Cycling can be a great family activity. We are planning on getting one of those trailers soon. Im also really looking forward to the day my kid learns his first X-up no footer...... :)

Take care,


Mar 16, 2004
University Place
Hey, thanks for the nice words. I don't think Tige has seen the post, or even knows I have posted this, but I am going to let him know to check it out. You are right about the whole "brotherhood" that goes on with racing. I really enjoy being at the races, flipping everyone crap, and just having a blast! It has been so cool to see all these new young rippers come up and start killing it! Like your son, I too can't wait for Blaise to start throwing down on his bike! It is a great sport we are involved in, and we are both lucky to be around such great people! Other sports I have done, there isn't the kind of "brotherhood" we have. ;) ;)
Talk to ya' soon.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Good luck to Tige :thumb: Kids candefinitely be a handfull!! ;)

Again, Kim - good seeing you at Whistler that weekend!! Was stoked to see you on the bike again.

When/If I'm in the seattle area, I hope that Tige can still join us for at least some apres ride din-din? :)

- Luc


Mar 17, 2002
Everett, Wa
The Brotherhood funny to think of some of the loose little groups (clicks?) we all fit into but when you get right down to it yes. And I think that is the one thing that actually draws me out to the races, the bond we all share. I haven't seen it with the same intensity and passion in any other sport I have been involved in at the adult level. Ok back to the thread now. :)


Mar 16, 2004
University Place
Hey guys,
I told my bro about the thread I had started and to take a look at it. He did and let me know he thought the things everyone wrote were very nice and to say thanks!
I do beleive he is done with cycling, but if anyone runs into him make sure you all give him a hard time! (j/k) :devil:

Thanks again!
Kim :thumb:


Air Monkey
Mar 14, 2004
Glad to hear you are healing up. Ethan and I miss you guys. We look forward to seeing you soon....give us a call when you want to ride DH or XC. Tell your bro Hello from both of us!

The Mutoli's


Mar 16, 2004
University Place
I think the phone no# I have for you guys is still the same. PM me though just in case so I can get a hold of you two. Let's hook up for some rides deffinitly! Tell your cute hubby I said Hi.