
Early Bird Saturday Ride report


Nam I am
early this week I got an email from some guys looking for a tour of vietnam ( they tried on there own and got lost ) . so I 'm always willing to oblige.

so we set the time for today at 8 am. I posted it and we had a Good group. we had Mike and Eric ( the ones who asked for the tour ) , SloMoJo, IF_Rider, Berkshire_rider , Ben-o and Zach1179. it was a good crew.

but it was cold when we started , the themometer was saying 19 degrees ! brrrrrr , but once pedalling commenced, we were cold no longer.

Here is Mike hitting a little rock Jump

Eric sam jump

IF_rider , doing a small roller

Ben-o, SloMoJo and Zach climbing a rock formation

IF_rider showing some air off of the fire wall

And it stayed pretty cool during the ride
look how the ICE breaking up under the tire on landing a drop

SloMoJo hitting the frame twister


SloMoJo same rock different angle

Ben-O goes between the trees

Berkshire_rider same trees from the other side

and Finally IF_rider hitting a new drop.

Good ride , 3 1/2 hours , 2 flats , no injuries , lots of fun was had


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Heidi said:
Sweet! Although, I have to profess, it would take me a while to work up the will in 19 degrees :)
No different than going out to ski / snowboard / skate / snowmobile. It's all about layers and keeping your feet and hands warm. We started a ride from Splat's last winter when it was -6. You are cold initially, but warm up quick, and stay warm, as long as you don't stop for extended periods of time where you can cool off.

I personally don't like the cold and definitely prefer to ride in shorts, but riding in the winter in the cold beats putting the bike away for 3 months.