
Early morning drop pictures


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
well we were eying up this drop for a while and got around to setting it up last night at around 12 oclock. and we also MEASURED with a TAPE MEASURER to make sure we said the right height and we measured it to be about 3 inches under 15 feet with about a 9 foot gap.

lemme know what you think of it.


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
that's very nice, but don't get so caught up in just how big it is - if you have to bring a tape measure along so you can post the height with the pics, you've REALLY lost sight of what this is all about. You'd get zero crap from people if you just put up pics with no measurement attempts or stuff like that.

Let the picture speak for itself; this is not a contest and the whole 'mine is bigger than yours' mentality of hitting drops is really getting played out....

Nice droppin'. :)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
well i mean i really like to know how high im dropping so i can know when im like pushing myself more to go bigger. so i figured id post the height just so you know. i didnt measure it just so i could say how high it was.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
oh yeah. anyone notice the super sketchy runup. i set up 4 picnic tables for the run up.
then a board to makup for the 3 inch height difference of the picnic table and raling. and there were 2 different boards connecting three picnic table together so it could be as long as possible. we got some vid showing it but no pics i dont think. its was probly like a total of 20 feet long. maybe more but im not realy that sure on the length of the twisty and bumpy runup.


Good stuff!!

Is it just me or do huge, sketchy drops always seem way cooler than anything else.....????:confused:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
Originally posted by BlackDiamond
So...I went to your site but did not find the video. Post it son want to see that drop on Video!!

which drop video. I dont have video of this yet. but if you are talking about the drop off the roof then yeah its on MY site. ill get you a link soon. but its in the movies section and its a link at the very bottom. i think theres a pic of it thats also linked to the drop. just remember to save target as cause i have like NO bandwidth on that site.

Ronny Grady

Oct 20, 2003
man, that is big, I would like to see a picture at landing! That looks like a good steep tranny, how was the runout?
Originally posted by DHracer1067
well i mean i really like to know how high im dropping so i can know when im like pushing myself more to go bigger. so i figured id post the height just so you know. i didnt measure it just so i could say how high it was.
Dont let the height of a drop, determine how advance of a rider you our. I mean you can just have a 15 drop to a nice tranny and just do it like butter. But then you can come across a 8 footer into a hairy section and just make your nuts drop thinking how you our going to stick the landing.

But in all in all nice job with the drop. You are like a young ninja using your surroundings by using the picnic tables for a run in.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
well. id have to say i really wasnt that nervous. barely any. dont know why cause its like a crappy runup to a big drop but ive kinda been like filtering that stuff out somehow and just like doing stuff. yup. i hope to set it up next weekend again. but i found a good drop for bender. just drop off the building onto that not so good tranny. we climbed up onto it saturday night for like 2 hours and we wer just walkin around. it was pretty cool up there. but that tree we used wasnt very good. you had to like hug it cause it was a lone branch going out to the roof and it like squeezed my balls. so that wasnt very fun. i was lookin off the building onto that tranny and i think i might just **** myself if i was about to do a drop that big.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Nice drop. But I agree, you don't need a tape measure or a stop watch to you know you're pushing yourself. That funny feeling in your stomach is how you know. I think the number thing is a way justify yourself to other people. Don't worry about it, just ride and keep going big. (**big is all relative :) **)


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
Originally posted by DHracer1067
would anyone here be interested in my trying to get some video of this?
Sure, but keep it dial-up-friendly! By the way, how old are you and how long have you been riding?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
yeah. i gots dial up too. it sucks. so i cant post anything higher then dial up friendly. itll be like 2mb probly if i can get it. i am a hole 14 years and 63 days old. might be 64 or 62. dont really keep count exactly.:D :D :devil: :devil: :angry: :confused: :confused: :confused: actualy dont keep track at all the days. just felt like counting real quick. i have been on some sort of bike since 3. thats when i learned to ride on 2 wheels. but i didnt really do any mtn biking like a little bit serious untill i was 11 i think. got into freeriding like beginning of 7th grade so i was probly 12 when i first started to like and get into freeriding. i was doing the whole big drops to flat thing for a while. then i got my bighit and started doing bigger stuff that was actually fun.

yep yep. think thats all you need to know.


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
That's awesome. I'm 16, and I've been riding DH/freeride for about 1 1/2 years. I love it, but I don't get to ride nearly as much as I'd like to.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...

Ed here from the other day at Regency...THAT is some big shiznit, especially considering the crappy run up (or whatever you call that loose collection of boards and picnic tables ;) )

The only thing you really need to do with that drop to make it perfect, is add some pungi sticks...Then you're golden :cool:

As for measuring the height, I don't see what the problem is...I've done it before just to confirm the actual height/distance of drops and jumps - basically it let's me know where my current limit is and consequently I'm pretty comfortable hitting things under that limit, even with a hairy landing...Perhaps because I'm an engineer, I like to know exact measurements of things (i.e. I can be an anal retentive jack donkey)...But adrenalinerush's point is well taken nevertheless...

Plus, I've seen a lot folks claim they've done a XX foot drop, and then when I see the actual drop, I can assure them it's nowhere close to their claim...Not that I'm going around trying to show people up or anything (as has been mentioned several times already, it doesn't really matter that much), but it makes me chuckle when people think a 4 foot drop 'is like 7 or 8 feet dude!'...No, actually it isn't sport, but whatever works for you I guess...Regardless of what we say DHracer, just keep going big and landing smooth...Speaking of which, how did that drop compare to the big step down at Regency? I presume the step down has a much smoother landing, no? I'm still pi$$ed at myself for wussing out on that thing the otherday...It looks quite easy, especially when you actually land on the tranny...Maybe I should measure it to get over my apprehension :D


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
ok. what is it with you and the pungi sticks. i think i might have to just take one and shove it up your arse. ha. well finally robert even hit the stepdown. so you got even more reason to do it. comparing the landing from the stepdown and that drop is not even really a comparison i dont think. even if i just totally miss the teeny tiny tranny with the stepdown it still isnt much impact but that drop actually had a good bit of impact. the 2nd time wasnt as bad. ended up nosing it in a bit and didnt really feel much but the vid looks like it was still good impact. oh well.

so you goin to massanutten. think i might have heard you say we were. robert just told me they found a place and got reservations in some town like 5 miles away or something so we are gonna go.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...

Not sure about Mass...Going to ETSU this upcoming weekend, so we'll see how things go out there...

Can't believe Robert hit it before me...I should just impale myself on one of my precious pungi sticks...<sigh>

Well, I guess I need to design my new pink downhill jersey...Team Puss will be the mantle I wear...:o:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
oh. i know what you need to do. get a jersey, if you already have one then it will be easier. but go to a jersey lettering place and have em put pussy or loser on the back of your jersey.haha i think it fits you good.:D :D :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

maybe ill setup a little something special on the stepdown just for you. hint: it could be something that you overly obsess about and could be made of wood or be sharp.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
it was really hard to get those benches setup like that. they weighed like 150-200 pounds and it was only me and steven carying them, some of them were also really far away to. like 300 feet away. took forever to set it up

Ice Bullit

Mar 16, 2003
Seattle, WA
Originally posted by profro
Nice drop. But I agree, you don't need a tape measure or a stop watch to you know you're pushing yourself. That funny feeling in your stomach is how you know. I think the number thing is a way justify yourself to other people. Don't worry about it, just ride and keep going big. (**big is all relative :) **)
True that.