Westy,Westy said:Good idea, it came with a return letter with a checkbox saying yes or no. I'll be checking no and throwing in a letter. I'm sure all of the people on my side of the street got the letter.
Seems like their are some great comments already in this thread. I can't imagine why the developer needs the extra room just to run water pipes when there is already an easement. There's already a 15' easement; you can run a pretty big backhoe down that.
I'd say "No" and line up a few neighbors to also say no. Here's why. You lose your trees, and you forever lose the right to do some things on the additional easement. Need a retaining wall? Nope, unless you are willing to tear it down at your expense if the pipe breaks. Want a paved patio? Same story. Need to move your septic system? Sorry, buddy. Want to replant those trees? I'm sure you get the picture.
And even if you get compensation for the lost trees, you have dimihished the value of your lot, and may have made it more difficult or impossible to remodel, since you have decreased the allowable buildable footprint on your lot.