
East Bay riders: www.NoOnMeasureWW.org -- help us spread the word!

El Caballo

Nov 21, 2004
East Bay, West Coast
Have you been wondering "Why should I vote to give $500 million to an agency that bans us from our own public lands?" Did you notice that earlier this year, after mountain bikers threatened to vote against Measure WW, suddenly the EBRPD came to *us* for the first time since forever?

Tired of having less rights than the herds of cattle that roam everywhere in our "parks"? Then stand up and pitch in, because it's GO TIME.

The No On Measure WW website is live, and we need your help to spread the word to everyone.

Please check out the website...there's a whole lot of information there, including many, many incriminating pictures. If you don't spend much time in EBRPD parks because they suck to ride in, you'll be shocked. This isn't just about bicycles: it's about the EBRPD's wholesale environmental destruction of the public land they are supposed to be preserving. Why should we be giving the EBRPD $500 million when California State Parks (like Annadel and Henry Coe) barely have enough money to stay open?

The Bay Area is full of people who think environmental preservation is a great idea, and that a vote for Measure WW is a pro-environmental vote. Show them the Environmental Destruction page. When I do this, people are stunned. They have no idea what the EBRPD is doing to our public lands.

The election is in just over TWO WEEKS, and the most important thing you can do for the cause, right now, is to spread the word to everyone you can. Tell your friends, family, and co-workers about www.NoOnMeasureWW.org . Mention it on other forums. Copy my signature below and put it on your email and forum signature. Send letters to the editor of your local newspaper.

We can do this. We've gathered the information and built the site. We got ourselves into the ballot argument (!!!) and onto smartvoter.org. Now we need your help to get www.NoOnMeasureWW.org out to everyone.

(Do you want to do more? Check out the "You Can Help" page.)

(Are you willing to deliver flyers to your local bike shops? The East Bay is big and we need major assistance here. Send me a PM.)

(Got suggestions for the website? Send me a PM.)
