
Eastern PA fall rides


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
The past two weekends could not have been better for me as far as rides go. Last weekend was our annual ride from Hellertown to Easton with Drew and this past weekend was a Boy scout Camp-o-ree with my son that centered around a 25 mile ride along the Lehigh River Gorge in the Poconos. Great early fall weather, almost to the point of hot made for good conditions, all though it is drier than a popcorn fart around here.
The Easton ride is about 12 miles one way so it's a 22 miler round trip along the Leigh Canal tow path. But the highlight is the stop at Weyerbacher Brewery where they feed you samples for free!

Bob and Amanda met us at the brewery and became our sag wagon, so I bought a case of various brews to let him haul home for me. My favorite? The Imperial Pumpkin Ale, by far! We rode on to a lunch at Porter's Pub

in lovely downtown Easton, just up the street from where the Lehigh joins the Delaware. Straight ride back to Drew's house and we're done. Good ride with good friends and good food with a case of shiny new beers to savor. Bliss.
This weekend found us camping in the Poconos and taking the ride from Whitehaven down river 25 miles to Jim Thorpe. 160 boy Scouts and adults and everyone made it fine. Took the 29er SS from South Mountain Cycles for the trip to try it out. Nice riding bike but honestly, I don't see what the big deal is. That'll bring the outrage of the 29er single speed cult! It was a very warm weekend with 85 degree highs. But still good weather and it was a nice ride. My kind, slightly downhill all the way!
My riding partner..

What a great two weekends of riding for sure. I didn't clear any big jumps, didn't improve on the DH bike, didn't clear any climbs or rock any singletrack, but boy...did I have fun.

Ride on...