

filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Beg to differ, LAPD has enough problems of its own. Methinks he will end up in some podunk town as a patrolman again. A trained and experienced Cop (Douchebag or not...) is hard to come by, and some PoS Chief will give him a "We are giving you a second chance..." speech and a cheap city council will put him back on the road.

It is too bad certifications are not invalidated by things like being fired.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
"...the girl is angry that no one is in jail. Her father has also called on prosecutors to take action..."

Daphuque? She is angry because she was a Cop groupie at an early age, summarily misrepresented said age, and got ran through by some horny Cops? What, none of them delivered on the carton of ciggies and the dozen doughnuts you were promised?

And Dad wants prosecutors to take action? Maybe if you had exercised some proper parenting skills a few years back NONE OF THIS WOUD HAVE EVER HAPPENED!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Looks like they grabbed her because she's not eating enough.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
California town shaken as police officers arrested

KING CITY, Calif. (AP) — Residents of a California farming town were grappling Wednesday with the feeling that their trust has been violated after learning the acting police chief and a handful of officers were charged with crimes including selling or giving away the impounded cars of poor Hispanic residents.
I would be VERY leery of this:
Tow shop owner Brian Miller; his brother, acting police chief Bruce Miller; and Sgt. Bobby Carillo were scheduled to be arraigned Monday on bribery charges after authorities said vehicles impounded from Hispanic immigrants were funneled to the tow yard then sold or given away.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Every Hispanic male killed by the police, just like every male killed by a drone strike, is fair game, according to the logic of a lawyer for an Anaheim Police Officer.


Rothans labeled Diaz a worthless, homeless, convicted felon, Eastside Anaheim gangster and methamphetamine/marijuana user who essentially asked to be executed by not following police commands to stop and get on the ground.

"In California, officers are not required to wait to see a gun [to use deadly force in alleged self-defense situations]," Rothans said. "If they wait to see a gun, it's too late."

He said Bennallack rightfully "feared" Diaz was luring the officers into a "gunfight" and he encouraged jurors--four Caucasians, three Latinos and one Asian--to place themselves in the white officers' shoes: Patrolling a dangerous, gang-infested, Latino area of Anaheim in the middle of the afternoon and knowing that hoodlums sometimes carrying guns in the waistbands of their pants.

"You have to evaluate [the killing] from the perspective of the officer [and] not 20-20 hindsight," Rothans told jurors.

The last time an Anaheim police officer was shot to death in the line of duty was 1872. Seriously.



Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
as popular as mason jars in moonshine country, which will roughly be the size of his hoop after 5yrs of dry-rubbed revenge rape by proxy


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I cannot support that verdict and sentance any more...well done by the judge!

Now if some of that common sense could rub off on other members of the judiciary (CoughFLORIDAcough...) we would be heading in the right direction...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
So, the particular case you noted notwithstanding, what would be an o.k. "recent" year for an officer to be killed according to you?
Something more recent than the late 19th century would be helpful when you're making the argument that shooting young males is A-OK because you're scared and they are brownish types.

You can't divorce my post from that particular case, because the particular argument being made in that particular case isn't a general argument. At least not yet. We're getting there. We already do it with drones, actually.

"We only kill militants!"

"How do you define militants?"

"Anyone we kill is defined as a militant, or we wouldn't have killed them. Unless it's a woman or child. Whoops? What are you going to do?"