it is nice both sides could agree....Typical solution...more guns.
it is nice both sides could agree....Typical solution...more guns.
Hialeah police officer Nelson Enriquez, a 13-year veteran of the police force in Miami-Dade County, has been suspended with pay pending the outcome of an investigation into why his two police dogs- a bloodhound named Jimmy and a Belgian Malinois named Hector, were found dead in his vehicle parked outside his home Wednesday.
Enriquez arrived home mid-morning following his graveyard shift, leaving his two dogs in his Ford Explorer and did not return to the vehicle until four or five hours had passed. Once the Florida cop made his way back to the dogs that had been left to endure the scorching midday heat, both Jimmy and Hector were dead.
Temperatures that day reached 87 degrees in Davie, the Broward County city where Enriquez lives, meaning temperatures inside the car surpassed 130 degrees, leaving the dogs susceptible tohyperthermia.
Enriquez did not call Davie police to report the deaths until 6:50 p.m. Wednesday, despite suspicion that he may have found them hours beforehand. No explanation has been offered as to why the dogs were left in the vehicle, what occurred during that time or what took the officer so long to file a report.
the video mentioned nothing of speeding?Speed limits don't apply to police except when they do...
when the cops in question shed two legs and grow opposable thumbs?what are the odds this sicko will actually do jail time for killing two cops?
K9 cops have always been considered sworn police officers. its a federal offense to harm or kill one of them. . this schmuck killed two of themwhen the cops in question shed two legs and grow opposable thumbs?
why would you beat a bike theif?so, the kid is a bike thief then?
Can't remember where I read it, but statistically the number of armed people killed by cops is pretty even with racial population distribution, whereas about 50% of unarmed people killed by cops are black.old white guy who owns a gun shot dead....i thought you all would be dancing in the streets?
zero surprise. they hardly are ever charged and or convicted. i guess i shouldnt wear my headphones at work or i might get shot for not hearing a cop yell. im surprised his camera was actually turned on since his buddy "couldnt get his camera on"Everything happens in first 45 seconds. That's a trigger happy cop. The state declined to prosecute the cop.
even in the same thread.also i think i posted a story about that when it happened.....which was during ferguson.....
dillon was unfortunate enough to be one cared.
what?stevew's narrative broken yet again:
i guess your esp is broke dave.Hopefully Steve isn't too upset by the result of all the publicity.
unfortunately thats realpublic library police?
that's a pisstake it must be!
...and the US is NOT a police state?fvck the
Libraries typically are hangouts for the homeless, insane or insane homeless people. Makes sense to have a security presence. I am guessing they are library police because of, or in spite of some stupid union rule or budgetary bullshit....and the US is NOT a police state?
fer fvcks sake - even the bloody library has a po-po force.
reading too loudly / slamming closed the card index drawer - what?