done and done.

-Rep coming your way if you can't point to the "cops suck" post, or even just a general cop bashing post. There have been far more cop apologists on here than anyone bitching about cops in general.

I'd have to go back and re-read everything but I don't recall anyone saying "fvck all cops" or anything along those lines. People have questioned an officers action in specific scenarios, not cast general aspersions on the public service community the way some here have reacted. The implication that somehow a public servant is supposed to be beyond criticism if something untoward happens is however, ridiculous. Were all subject to judgment if we perform our jobs poorly, and we should be, even if you are just some poor, less than human, hollow shell, of an office drone. If you happen to have a job where failures are aired publicly, well that sucks, but chances are pretty good you knew that going in so Im not so sympathetic. For instance, failure at my work is highly public:

and generally speaking, the general public and media have absolutely zero fvcking clue what they are talking about. I don't however, typically, get my panties all in a wad about it. It seems to me to speak to a greater issue if someone has to be so defensive.