
effing drunk drivers

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
ny buddy is in the hospital, Drunk driver fleeing another crash hit him and another car. the other driver that got hit died, the drunk ran off.

Got this off his FB

So some more details on the accident, we were driving up by squaw valley ski resort. It was 6:30 at night so dark out on Saturday night. If you have ever traveled that road you know it is single lame each direction and totally blacked out.

All of a sudden this car appeared in front of us driving straight at us. No headlights on traveling fast. I didn’t have enough time to hit the horn or move out of the way.

The world exploded around us. Everything came to a stop the world seemed to go quiet and slow down smoke from the airbags and glass came flying at us.

Thankfully the airbags and seatbelts did their jobs and saved our lives. The other drivers around rushed to our aid and performed amazingly. My girl was able to self extricate. i knew my wrist was broken and ankle was also broken and had severe pain around my spleen. It was pain I never felt before.

Turns out the drunk driver that hit me reportedly had fled another accident and had probably turned off his headlights to try get away.

I was trapped I couldn’t move the pain was to great. I couldn’t move to help others I could only sit there and scream. The other driver died at the scene.

Many thanks to North Tahoe Fire, Squaw Valley fire and Truckee Fire departments. Their work on scene was efficient and professional. They took care of the other driver first as he was first priority, then took care of my girlfriend. They extricated me out of the car. Where I was transported from the scene to a waiting helicopter.

From there I was flown the 13 minutes to Renown hospital where I still currently am. I have multiple injuries and need a couple surgeries have had 1 already. Renown is taking amazing care of me. My girlfriend still is in the hospital too, thankfully she is up and walking. Her back and wrist was injured hopefully she will be discharged today. I am probably going to be here another week.

Many thanks to everyone who reached out and my parents have driven up from the Bay Area. My spirits are good and will recover. It will take time. I have yet to be able to sit up.

Thank you all for your concern and thank you to those bystanders first responders and medical staff that saved our lives.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
So easily avoided, wtf is wrong with people.
Healing vibes to your buddy.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Wow, thanks for sharing and I hope your recovery goes as well as can be expected. Life can change so fast and we have little control. Keep your spirits up and set your recovery goals!


Jun 8, 2012
I'm sorry this happened to your close friend. Healing vibes to him and his GF.

It said he hit two cars after the first hit and run, the second driver that got hit died, not the drunk. Am i reading this wrong?
That's how I read it also.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Find him, take him to the middle of the lake and push him out. If he can swim to shore, then he gets to survive. Middle of winter? The fear and regret will outweigh anything the jails can do.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Drew was a fire fighter with CalFire"s Santa Clara unit, I was in the Santa Cruz unit. Our stations occasionally ran calls together. We have been friends for over 15 years.

Yeah the drunk lived and ran away, they usually survive.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Eric i am sorry to hear this. We recently had a call out for nearly the exact call. Drunk driver leaving the resort hit a gal just trying to get home. Hit her head on, both died instantly.

Pisses me off.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
now that Drew is less scrambled the cops told him that the Drunk that hit him is dead that the other driver he hit is also critical but stable

They sewed up a laceration to his spleen when he first arrived at the trauma center, his wrist was as you could see broken but is now fixed. tomorrow they operate on his shattered ankle. He is still in ICU but considered serious but stable
his girlfriend has a fracture of L6 but is doing OK


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Sucks for all three of them, hopefully they heal up without too many long term effects, drunk got what they deserved.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
now that Drew is less scrambled the cops told him that the Drunk that hit him is dead that the other driver he hit is also critical but stable

They sewed up a laceration to his spleen when he first arrived at the trauma center, his wrist was as you could see broken but is now fixed. tomorrow they operate on his shattered ankle. He is still in ICU but considered serious but stable
his girlfriend has a fracture of L6 but is doing OK
For some reason I thought you were in the car when I read the "we" in the original post. Still, I hope they can recover ok. One thing I never gave much thought to until the local police announced on television a few days ago are all the liquored up people at airports driving home. They get tanked on the flight and then take the wheel and evidently there are many DUI arrests right next to the airport due to this.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
TRUCKEE, Calif. (KOLO) - The California Highway Patrol has not yet released the name of a Truckee man killed in a head-on crash Saturday.

CHP says shortly before 6:30PM January 26, 2019, the man, in a Subaru WRX, was headed north on SR 89 north of Squaw Valley Road. He was involved in a non-injury rear-end crash, after which he got out of his car and talked with the driver he had hit, then got back in his car and sped off without trading insurance and contact information.

He continued north on 89, crossing into the southbound lane and hitting a southbound Chevy Camaro head-on. He was killed. Two people in the Camaro sustained major injuries and were taken to Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno.

CHP says it appears the driver who was killed had been drinking.