
\@/ effit Friderp gmt\@/


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yesterday I managed to break an espresso cup while making my second double.

I slept 9 hours last night and boy did I need that.

Was hoping/planning on riding today/tomorrow but the rain may dictate otherwise.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Ride last night got called off due to t-storms, so I got up early this morning and rode instead. Slippery out there, but managed to get in a few quick miles before sitting down to work.

10/10 would recommend.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Last day of vacation. Taking my youngest son and his buddy to a mountain bike spot. Then dairy Queen for lunch, and a pump track on the way home. It's cool and clear.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Whatcha got there, Ace!! Today's basement cat cleanup was a trifecta of nastiness: A puddle of watervomit which I did not see until I walked through it, a pile of liquid runny poop, and the worst was a rather large puddle of blood. :( I've got two cats and I know which one is having the issues. Vet appoint this afternoon. 18 year old cat may be running out of time.

ANYWAY, good swim this morning. Rental Dog goes back home today. I'll miss him...he's a good boy.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Got to sleep on the floor in Hannah's room last night. Thankfully today should be slow.

I get to explain our management logic to a nuclear engineer, again. I might just say fuck it and send him the white paper to wipe my hands clean of him. He can't wrap his head around the logic that if we know about his outside portfolios, we'll build his portfolio around them. But if we don't factor those portfolios, we will likely end up building one completely off from what's appropriate. His concern is that if one of the investments in his outside portfolios is, for example, too aggressive, that we will make it more conservative to balance it out. But if our more conservative fund choice isn't as good as the one at his other firm, he's not getting 100% of his potential return. When I explained that as long as his outside portfolios are allocated appropriately, we won't be taking countermeasures of that sort, he just looped back to "but better funds". I love how people who have no fucking idea how to invest their money love to find ways to maximize it that aren't realistic for what they are paying somebody to invest it for them. "I found how to make .001% more!" Great, that will cost .5% more in management fees. /Rant


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Whatcha got there, Ace!! Today's basement cat cleanup was a trifecta of nastiness: A puddle of watervomit which I did not see until I walked through it, a pile of liquid runny poop, and the worst was a rather large puddle of blood. :( I've got two cats and I know which one is having the issues. Vet appoint this afternoon. 18 year old cat may be running out of time.

ANYWAY, good swim this morning. Rental Dog goes back home today. I'll miss him...he's a good boy.
Dude. Your cat might be dying. Our cat was doing that before her kidneys failed.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Woke up coughing my brains out early this morning. Not the best news during a pandemic. But I eventually uncorked a wad of phlegm that was full of volcanic ash.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Motivation-level: almost zero

Tired of the quarantining, and it has not even been a week. :disgust:

On the bright side - @Nick has an 1-1/8 straight fork for me and I found another one via alternate channels that is being shipped to me for nothing but the shipping costs. Kids' bikes should be somewhat more functional soon...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hanging with the baby outside as wife takes elder children to get their eyes checked. Air quality is good and temps are reasonable! Praise be to the baby jeebus

then I think I’ll take a leisurely lap of White Ranch followed by working 3:30-10. That’ll do, that’ll do.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Dawn Patrol lap on one of the local rips, rear tire is failing from it being old and me being fat and also old. At least it held air for the ride, might be able to get a few more hot laps out of it but it's days are numbered.



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I want my neighbors to be like this guy.

The 12 y/o's next door are just getting into mtn bikes and were trying to jump off a wood lip that was way too short and steep, probably would have killed themselves. I told them as much and they tossed it.

I've been inspired by this video. I'm going to spend part of this weekend building a real jump now. My yard also has a good transition landing into theirs. We might make a little something happen here...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Been super frustrated by work for the past few months. My team was kind of lost about what we were doing and how to do it. I kind of had an a-ha moment several weeks ago about how to solve all of that. I got a lot of push-back from my teammates but was determined to move forward. It took some long days of work, lots of arguments and frustration but we finally got something together. Shared it with our leadership today and they seemed extremely happy and rather blown away. Afterwords one of them reached out to me and offered to sponsor me for a fellowship when this was all done. It's nice to have get good results from hard work, which rarely happens around here. Hopefully there will be a little more trust with the team moving forward.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
one of them reached out to me and offered to sponsor me for a fellowship when this was all done
Cool. What does this imply practically and in terms of future trajectory? C-Suite for you?!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
That's what it was like when I worked for a Boeing subsidiary. Someone with a fellowship generally did no actual work, went to conferences on whatever topic interested them, and made SHITLOADS of money.
when i worked previously at another BU of my current parent company, i worked with one of the fellows there. brilliant dude. lots of patents. being a fellow he was involved mostly in the pure R&D part of the business as opposed to product realization & commercialization like the rest of us grunts.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Cool. What does this imply practically and in terms of future trajectory? C-Suite for you?!
Well my boss wanted me to apply for it this year but I turned it down. Still not sure if it is something I want. Like SS mentioned it would lead to less real work and more bullshit conferences and executive presentations which isn't my jam. I would be expected to teach and mentor other engineers, which I do enjoy but I have no patience for those with high status and zero knowledge, you could argue I am downright hostile.

The fellowship isn't tied to my pay but does essentially come with tenure. I was at the highest pay grade for my role but they opened up another level recently and could also apply for a promotion instead/also.
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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I get to explain our management logic to a nuclear engineer, again. I might just say fuck it and send him the white paper to wipe my hands clean of him. He can't wrap his head around the logic that if we know about his outside portfolios, we'll build his portfolio around them. But if we don't factor those portfolios, we will likely end up building one completely off from what's appropriate. His concern is that if one of the investments in his outside portfolios is, for example, too aggressive, that we will make it more conservative to balance it out. But if our more conservative fund choice isn't as good as the one at his other firm, he's not getting 100% of his potential return. When I explained that as long as his outside portfolios are allocated appropriately, we won't be taking countermeasures of that sort, he just looped back to "but better funds". I love how people who have no fucking idea how to invest their money love to find ways to maximize it that aren't realistic for what they are paying somebody to invest it for them. "I found how to make .001% more!" Great, that will cost .5% more in management fees. /Rant
it isn't as simple as do not tell me how to do my job and i won't tell you how to do yours....