
Eisenhower takes another turn in his grave.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Raptors have got to be somewhere near $100,000/hr to operate, considering all the manpower, operating costs, equipment, R&D, etc. I have some knowledge of what it costs to operate a turbine aircraft just to break even as a business, in addition I've heard the operating costs for the F-15 and 16. The Raptor has got to be way up there, plus by using it you are putting hours on it and decreasing it's service life.
But even at $100k/hour, a 4 hour mission with say 6 Raptors is still only $2.4M, the cost of 2 tomahawks. And you know what? The Raptors SHOULD come back and be able to be used again. No reusing a tomahawk, just sayin.