
Elected US leaders campaign fund "bribes"


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
I'm talking about "bribes" from the lobby to the campaign funds of politicians. I know, they are fully legal but I find them very unethical and undemocratic because the rich can afford to "buy" the politicians votes.

In Congressman Paul Findleys book "They Dare To Speak Out" he writes:
"People in institutions confront Israeli lobby that nearly all the US governments leaders, both republican and democrat alike, recieved vast sums of campaign money from the pro zionist Political Action Committees, PAC's, which often have decieving names to hide this fact."

The zionist lobby of the US with all its stealth PAC's is the strongest political action committee, or lobby, or any group.
This is a list of some politicians who have recieved over $50,000.00 for supporting Israel:

Frank Murkowski (S), $ 63,000;
Jon Kyl (S), $ 77,000;
Dianne Feinstein (S), 113,000;
Tom Lantos (H), $ 69,000;
Howard Berman (H), $ 55,000;
Jane HArman (H), $ 57,000;
Bob Filner (H), $ 71,000;
Christopher Dodd (S), $ 183,000;
Joseph Lieberman (S), $ 227,000;
Sam Gejdenson (S), $ 335,000;
Bob Graham (S), $ 94,000;
John Lewis (H), $ 64,000;
Daniel Akaka (S), $ 93,500;
Richard Durbin (S), $ 246,000;
John Porter (H), $ 71,000;
Lane Evans (H), $ 74,000;
Dan Burton (H), $ 61,000;
Thomas Harkin (S), $ 424,000;
Mitch McConnell (S), $ 285,000;
Olympia Snowe (S), $ 71,000;
Paul Sarbanes (S), $ 160,000;
Steny Hoyer (H), $ 52,000;
Edward Kennedy (S), $ 66,000;
Carl Levin (S), $ 564,000;
Sander Levin (H), $ 87,000;
Trent Lott (S), $ 67,000;
Richard Gephardt (S), $ 135,000;
Ike Skelton (H), $ 69,000;
Max Baucas (S), $ 262,000;
Conrad Burns (S), $ 165,000;
J. Robert Kerrey (S), $ 199,000;
Harry Reid (S), $ 254,000;
Shelley Berkley (H), $ 100,000;
Robert Torricelli (S), $ 127,000;
H. James Saxton (H), $ 54,000;
Jeff Bingaman (S), $ 261,000;
Eliot Engel (H), $ 99,000;
Nita Lowey (H), $ 84,000;
Benjamin Gilman (H), $ 81,000;
David Price (H), $ 51,000;
Kent Conrad (S), $ 196,000;
Byron Dorgan (S), $ 96,000;
Arlen Specter (S), $ 366,000;
Richard Licht (S), $ 266,000;
Jack Reed (H), $ 75,000;
Claiborne Pell (S), $ 181,000;
Ernest Hollings (S), $ 73,000;
Tim Johnson (S), $ 51,000;
Charles Robb (S), $ 255,000;
Slade Garton (S), $ 180,000;
Russel Feingold (S) $ 57,000;
David Obey (H), $ 147,000;

Political action committee money reportedly received by some Senators (S) and members of the House (H) for voting in favor of Israel.
SOURCE: Washington Report on Middle East Affairs


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
And here I thought they were as pure as the driven snow and sh!t.....


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Welcome to the american way - everyone know politicians are full of sh*t and a bunch of dishonest bastards... but no ne will ever do anything about it.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
reflux said:
However, the moment a politician yells "Praise Geezus," one can do no wrong.
How about "I feel your pain", said with a quivering lip?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i question whether these numbers are pure internet fiction. whoever wrote that misspelled one of my senators' names, fwiw: slade gArton vs. gorton as it should be...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Toshi said:
i question whether these numbers are pure internet fiction. whoever wrote that misspelled one of my senators' names, fwiw: slade gArton vs. gorton as it should be...
That misspelling is on me. It was a whole lot of typing and it was not intentional.. The truth is as bad as it can get. If I was to ad didgits on the sums or somthing like that, it wouldn't benefit me or what I want people to be aware of.
But it is good that you are sceptical!
The best thing that could happen in my view, is that you check the facts (at least call your Senator) and then spread the truth (which ever it is) to everybody you come across.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
You're only now realizing this?

rockwool said:
The best thing that could happen in my view, is that you check the facts (at least call your Senator) and then spread the truth (which ever it is) to everybody you come across.
The machine is much bigger than you think. And people don't want to hear the truth. They want to hear about how they can aquire bright shiny objects.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Ciaran said:
The machine is much bigger than you think. And people don't want to hear the truth. They want to hear about how they can aquire bright shiny objects.
Yep. Unfortunately the truth is also usually accompanied by ad hominem(sp?) insults like "unpatriotic," "hate America and freedom," "liberal," etc.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Ciaran said:
You're only now realizing this?

The machine is much bigger than you think. And people don't want to hear the truth. They want to hear about how they can aquire bright shiny objects.
I've been aware of the machine for several years but new deatails, like this, on how it works pops up every now and then. As thrilling it is to discover them, I am not surprized at all. All the facts are out there in the open for any body to come over, but have problems being voiced due to the media structure of the world. A new threat that would put an end to all internet fact spreading, like political sites and documentaries, is the Internet 2 version, that especially the neo cons want to replaace current internet with.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
reflux said:
Yep. Unfortunately the truth is also usually accompanied by ad hominem(sp?) insults like "unpatriotic," "hate America and freedom," "liberal," etc.
And liberals don't paint with the same broad brush strokes?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
stevew said:
And liberals don't paint with the same broad brush strokes?
Once the liberals gain power in the White House and Congress, my hate will likely be directed towards them too. I will make every effort to be an equal opportunity lover and hater.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
reflux said:
Once the liberals gain power in the White House and Congress, my hate will likely be directed towards them too. I will make every effort to be an equal opportunity lover and hater.
I honestly don't think there are hardly any 'liberal' American politicians. You guys have the far right, the neocons, the right, the centre right, and the centre. Some politicians might just squeeze into centre-left. I really don't see anyone further to the left than that. Just some of us on here.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Changleen said:
I honestly don't think there are hardly any 'liberal' American politicians. You guys have the far right, the neocons, the right, the centre right, and the centre. Some politicians might just squeeze into centre-left. I really don't see anyone further to the left than that. Just some of us on here.
The difference of what is called left-right in the US and Sweden in comparison is interesting. In the Swedish parliament there are two parties that are considered left; the social democrats (socialist origin) and to the left of them the ex communist party.
Then there is the enviromental party that have mixed politics, and the allied liberal pact of the right wing parties of the center, the liberals, teh christ democrats and the moderates who used to be conservative upto 10 years ago.

That is a much wider spectrum of left and right and gives a few more variations of politics to the voters. Is see it as very strange that only two parties would represent the different options of political solutions to the voters.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Changleen said:
I honestly don't think there are hardly any 'liberal' American politicians. You guys have the far right, the neocons, the right, the centre right, and the centre. Some politicians might just squeeze into centre-left. I really don't see anyone further to the left than that. Just some of us on here.
Interesting, I will probably be bitching about the conservatives for a long time.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Changleen said:
I honestly don't think there are hardly any 'liberal' American politicians. You guys have the far right, the neocons, the right, the centre right, and the centre. Some politicians might just squeeze into centre-left. I really don't see anyone further to the left than that. Just some of us on here.
It's not surprising in a country where "liberal" has become a pejorative.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Michael Moore did some interesting comparisons in his books, Stupid White Men and Dude Where's My Country, between liberal and republican politicians, what they claimed to stand for and the actual politic they voted for. In short he showed that democrats often vote republican but the opposite hardly happens.

His books are full of facts but very ironic and easy to read. Recomended!


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
rockwool said:
I see it as very strange that only two parties would represent the different options of political solutions to the voters.

They don't.

Two parties provide the illusion of an adversarial nature, but often times it is just a show. Many corporations fund both parties. This is done to ensure their own corporate advantage for laws and policies to be legislated.

Unfortunately, the common citizen does not have the resources to provide significant funding to the polititicos. This leads to the passage of laws that support corporations, not the common man.

America is a government of the people, by the legislature, for the corporations.

We long ago became what we revolted against. :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
This comes from a link RenegadeRick posted in another thread:


"The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate."

-- Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS' "Face the Nation".

"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews..... terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen .... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country"

-----Sec. of State John Foster Dulles quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff

"The long history of bipartisan Congressional support for Israel led former Secretary of State James Baker to call the Congress "The Little Knesset" after Israel's Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem."

"Thus shockingly but not surprisingly only 4 % of the American people are aware of Israel's 34 year brutal military occupation of the Palestinian people."

"However, and as is customary whenever there is a possibility of Israel being criticized, the Pro Israeli forces come out in force to pressure the White House to tone down or modify its wording. Due to intense pressure from Congress, the media, and the powerful American Jewish lobby, the White House has intervened to tone down Powell's speech on the Middle East planned for November 19 [2001]. President George W Bush is believed to have blocked Powell from putting too much pressure on Israel to make concessions in the search for peace."

"According to the New York Times in an article titled "Senators Urge Bush Not to Hamper Israel" (Nov. 17)[2001], 89 Senators signed a letter to President Bush urging him not to restrain Israel from retaliating fully against Palestinian violence and to express his solidarity publicly with Israel soon."

"This Congressional doormat policy toward Israel began on September 21, 1922 whereupon the U.S. Congress endorsed the British Balfour Declaration."

Letter to President Ford by 71 Senators Concerning “Reassessment”
(December 9, 1974)

Dear Mr. President:

/.../ We urge that you reiterate our nation's long-standing commitment to Israel's security by a policy of continued military supplies and diplomatic and economic support. In doing so, you will be acting in the best interests of the United States and with the support of the Congress and the American people. (note: again using the link that what's good for Israel is good for America, no one has been allowed to challenge this dangerous falsehood)."

Senate Opposes Unilateral Declaration of a Palestinian State
March 11, 1999

By a vote of 98-1, the U.S. Senate approved a resolution March 11, 1999, asking President Clinton to oppose any unilateral declaration of an independent Palestinian state. A similar resolution was passed by the House on March 16 by a vote of 380-24. Sen. Robert Byrd, a West Virginia Democrat, cast the sole vote against the measure."

96 Senators Call on President Clinton to Support Israel (note: only part of letter shown
October 12, 2000

All but four members of the U.S. Senate signed the following letter to President Clinton expressing their solidarity with Israel. The four senators who did not sign were Spencer Abraham (R-MI), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Robert Byrd (D-WV) and Chuck Hagel (R-NE). The bipartisan letter was circulated by the Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) and Tom Daschle (D-ND).

Dear Mr. President:

We write to you to express our solidarity with the State of Israel at this moment of crisis and our profound disappointment and frustration with PLO Chairman Arafat and the Palestinian Authority...We are deeply concerned at the continuing, coordinated campaign of Palestinian violence.

/.../ America's open and abiding commitment to the security of Israel is the surest way to see our way safely through it.

To be continued.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
House, Senate Call for Reassessment of U.S.-Palestinian Relations April 6, 2001

(SOURCE: American Israeli Public Affairs Committee: AIPAC)

87 members of the Senate and the 209 members of the House sent letters to President Bush urging him to reassess U.S. relations with the Palestinian Authority.

Senate Letter (House Letter is Almost the Same)

Dear Mr. President:

We are writing you out of a deep sense of frustration, anger and concern over recent events in the Middle East....Over the past several months, the Palestinians have initiated on average over 30 "incidents" a day against Israeli soldiers and civilians (note: not a single mention of Palestinian casualties that are 4 times the Israeli casualties or the international condemnation of Israel by the State Department and EVERY International Human Rights Organization.)

/.../ whether US aid to the Palestinians is in fact meetings its goals, and whether it is appropriate for Arafat to be invited to meet with high-level officials in Washington while the violence continues; we also believe that you should reaffirm America's opposition to a unilaterally-declared independent Palestinian state."

"June 11, 2001

The Red Cross retracts description of Israeli settlements as “war crime.” In response to a strongly worded letter from Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), Jewish, regarding recent statements emanating from the organization, Dr. Jakob Kellenberger, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, stated unequivocally that the Red Cross does not consider Israeli settlement activity a “war crime.”"

This is how he finishes the article:

"At the beginning we supported Israel to be our client state in the oil deserts of Arabia, now its us who've become the client state for Israel. Israel is committing atrocities with our money and weapons---killing in our name. This has more to do with our national pride, identity, and role in the world than it does with Muslims, Palestinians, or Afghanistan. Is this our country, is this "our?" Congress, is Bush our President, and is Colin Powell our Secretary of State."

Compared to what the Israeli lobby groups are giving your politicians they are getting a lot in return; ~ 6 billion dollars every year of your taxes..