I'm talking about "bribes" from the lobby to the campaign funds of politicians. I know, they are fully legal but I find them very unethical and undemocratic because the rich can afford to "buy" the politicians votes.
In Congressman Paul Findleys book "They Dare To Speak Out" he writes:
"People in institutions confront Israeli lobby that nearly all the US governments leaders, both republican and democrat alike, recieved vast sums of campaign money from the pro zionist Political Action Committees, PAC's, which often have decieving names to hide this fact."
The zionist lobby of the US with all its stealth PAC's is the strongest political action committee, or lobby, or any group.
This is a list of some politicians who have recieved over $50,000.00 for supporting Israel:
Frank Murkowski (S), $ 63,000;
Jon Kyl (S), $ 77,000;
Dianne Feinstein (S), 113,000;
Tom Lantos (H), $ 69,000;
Howard Berman (H), $ 55,000;
Jane HArman (H), $ 57,000;
Bob Filner (H), $ 71,000;
Christopher Dodd (S), $ 183,000;
Joseph Lieberman (S), $ 227,000;
Sam Gejdenson (S), $ 335,000;
Bob Graham (S), $ 94,000;
John Lewis (H), $ 64,000;
Daniel Akaka (S), $ 93,500;
Richard Durbin (S), $ 246,000;
John Porter (H), $ 71,000;
Lane Evans (H), $ 74,000;
Dan Burton (H), $ 61,000;
Thomas Harkin (S), $ 424,000;
Mitch McConnell (S), $ 285,000;
Olympia Snowe (S), $ 71,000;
Paul Sarbanes (S), $ 160,000;
Steny Hoyer (H), $ 52,000;
Edward Kennedy (S), $ 66,000;
Carl Levin (S), $ 564,000;
Sander Levin (H), $ 87,000;
Trent Lott (S), $ 67,000;
Richard Gephardt (S), $ 135,000;
Ike Skelton (H), $ 69,000;
Max Baucas (S), $ 262,000;
Conrad Burns (S), $ 165,000;
J. Robert Kerrey (S), $ 199,000;
Harry Reid (S), $ 254,000;
Shelley Berkley (H), $ 100,000;
Robert Torricelli (S), $ 127,000;
H. James Saxton (H), $ 54,000;
Jeff Bingaman (S), $ 261,000;
Eliot Engel (H), $ 99,000;
Nita Lowey (H), $ 84,000;
Benjamin Gilman (H), $ 81,000;
David Price (H), $ 51,000;
Kent Conrad (S), $ 196,000;
Byron Dorgan (S), $ 96,000;
Arlen Specter (S), $ 366,000;
Richard Licht (S), $ 266,000;
Jack Reed (H), $ 75,000;
Claiborne Pell (S), $ 181,000;
Ernest Hollings (S), $ 73,000;
Tim Johnson (S), $ 51,000;
Charles Robb (S), $ 255,000;
Slade Garton (S), $ 180,000;
Russel Feingold (S) $ 57,000;
David Obey (H), $ 147,000;
Political action committee money reportedly received by some Senators (S) and members of the House (H) for voting in favor of Israel.
SOURCE: Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
In Congressman Paul Findleys book "They Dare To Speak Out" he writes:
"People in institutions confront Israeli lobby that nearly all the US governments leaders, both republican and democrat alike, recieved vast sums of campaign money from the pro zionist Political Action Committees, PAC's, which often have decieving names to hide this fact."
The zionist lobby of the US with all its stealth PAC's is the strongest political action committee, or lobby, or any group.
This is a list of some politicians who have recieved over $50,000.00 for supporting Israel:
Frank Murkowski (S), $ 63,000;
Jon Kyl (S), $ 77,000;
Dianne Feinstein (S), 113,000;
Tom Lantos (H), $ 69,000;
Howard Berman (H), $ 55,000;
Jane HArman (H), $ 57,000;
Bob Filner (H), $ 71,000;
Christopher Dodd (S), $ 183,000;
Joseph Lieberman (S), $ 227,000;
Sam Gejdenson (S), $ 335,000;
Bob Graham (S), $ 94,000;
John Lewis (H), $ 64,000;
Daniel Akaka (S), $ 93,500;
Richard Durbin (S), $ 246,000;
John Porter (H), $ 71,000;
Lane Evans (H), $ 74,000;
Dan Burton (H), $ 61,000;
Thomas Harkin (S), $ 424,000;
Mitch McConnell (S), $ 285,000;
Olympia Snowe (S), $ 71,000;
Paul Sarbanes (S), $ 160,000;
Steny Hoyer (H), $ 52,000;
Edward Kennedy (S), $ 66,000;
Carl Levin (S), $ 564,000;
Sander Levin (H), $ 87,000;
Trent Lott (S), $ 67,000;
Richard Gephardt (S), $ 135,000;
Ike Skelton (H), $ 69,000;
Max Baucas (S), $ 262,000;
Conrad Burns (S), $ 165,000;
J. Robert Kerrey (S), $ 199,000;
Harry Reid (S), $ 254,000;
Shelley Berkley (H), $ 100,000;
Robert Torricelli (S), $ 127,000;
H. James Saxton (H), $ 54,000;
Jeff Bingaman (S), $ 261,000;
Eliot Engel (H), $ 99,000;
Nita Lowey (H), $ 84,000;
Benjamin Gilman (H), $ 81,000;
David Price (H), $ 51,000;
Kent Conrad (S), $ 196,000;
Byron Dorgan (S), $ 96,000;
Arlen Specter (S), $ 366,000;
Richard Licht (S), $ 266,000;
Jack Reed (H), $ 75,000;
Claiborne Pell (S), $ 181,000;
Ernest Hollings (S), $ 73,000;
Tim Johnson (S), $ 51,000;
Charles Robb (S), $ 255,000;
Slade Garton (S), $ 180,000;
Russel Feingold (S) $ 57,000;
David Obey (H), $ 147,000;
Political action committee money reportedly received by some Senators (S) and members of the House (H) for voting in favor of Israel.
SOURCE: Washington Report on Middle East Affairs