
Election Information


Turbo Monkey
Jan 6, 2003
In the hills around Seattle
Okay....I know this isn't the political forum, but this in only a PNW issue on the ballot tomorrow.

Initiative measure 892 going to effect the local tribes? Thanks

This is Amy again....Kevin isn't involved in news items.....


Aug 5, 2003
So does anybody know more about the race for Commissioner of Public Lands? Maybe it's naive and a bit optimistic, but I would like to think that this position might have some direct and immediate impact on one of our greatest forms of recreation…

……besides flaming each other. :devil: :p


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Happy said:
So does anybody know more about the race for Commissioner of Public Lands? Maybe it's naive and a bit optimistic, but I would like to think that this position might have some direct and immediate impact on one of our greatest forms of recreation…

……besides flaming each other. :devil: :p
Haha yah one side won't let you fart in the woods, the other side will clear cut it. :rolleyes: :p
got any linkys?

Certified Drunk

Feb 17, 2002
Zippy's Burgers
I dont care about who you vote for! but if you want to keep more of your pay check! :D
Slot machines; Yes on 892! Why should the local tribes make all the money?
Raise the sales tax? this is going to hit your pocket book, Vote NO on 884
Recall the monorail? Hell yes! 1.4% tax on your car. Vote YES on 83


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
I already voted last week via absentee ballot. I encourage everyone to do this. You can sit down with the voters pamphlet and your reference material of choice and make informed decisions instead of knee jerk "I want lower taxes" decisions.


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
So of my 2100 in property tax, what will I save? A few percent? If it means not seeing slot machines everywhere, they can keep my $63.

Big B

Oct 20, 2004
Lynnwood, Washington
If you want partial birth abortions, vote Kerry.
Do you want to allow the United Nations to control where American troops are sent? vote Kerry
Want another gas tax increas? vote Kerry

If Kerry were president, applications would look like...

Check one if married:
  • man to man
  • woman to woman
  • transgendered to man
  • transgendered to woman
  • transgendered to transgendered
  • man to boy
  • woman to dog
  • man to cow

and in the unlikely case:
  • man to woman

If you want to keep yourself and loved ones from getting blown sky high from suicide bombers in Pike Place, vote for someone who has proven he can keep us safe. Vote for Bush. :thumb:

Don't be another liberal lemming! :nope:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Big B said:
If you want partial birth abortions, vote Kerry.
Do you want to allow the United Nations to control where American troops are sent? vote Kerry
Want another gas tax increas? vote Kerry

If Kerry were president, applications would look like...

Check one if married:
  • man to man
  • woman to woman
  • transgendered to man
  • transgendered to woman
  • transgendered to transgendered
  • man to boy
  • woman to dog
  • man to cow

and in the unlikely case:
  • man to woman

If you want to keep yourself and loved ones from getting blown sky high from suicide bombers in Pike Place, vote for someone who has proven he can keep us safe. Vote for Bush. :thumb:

Don't be another liberal lemming! :nope:

Typical scare tactics .....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
I'm trying really hard to stay out of this because it belongs in the political forum. Whip was just encouraging everyone to exercise thier civic duty.

I think a lot of us our stressed out because there is a lot on the line this time.

Big B

Oct 20, 2004
Lynnwood, Washington
Snacks said:
I'm sorry....but do you know me personaly?
Do I need too?

March 19, 1973
I'm a chick that likes to bake, and plays soccer
The Evergreen State
Running, Riding, and Baking.
Financial Nerd


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
Hey Big B. Head on over to the political debate forum. Look up N8.

You two will love each other. Not in that scary man to man way though I'm sure.

Big B

Oct 20, 2004
Lynnwood, Washington
brock said:
Hey Big B. Head on over to the political debate forum. Look up N8.

You two will love each other. Not in that scary man to man way though I'm sure.
Sweet pics on your homepage, Brock! :thumb: Spokane looks awesome. Are any of those pics from the WIM races?

..I'll have to look up N8. I was wondering if there were any others out there. :think:


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
Big B said:
Sweet pics on your homepage, Brock! :thumb: Spokane looks awesome. Are any of those pics from the WIM races?

..I'll have to look up N8. I was wondering if there were any others out there. :think:
Thanks for the compliment on the pics. Some of the pics were taken on the race courses.

You should be made aware that I am one of the "liberal lemmings"

I was being a bit fecetious on my recommendation for you to look up N8. You guys do seem to have aligned (albeit quite narrow) veiwpoints.

Big B

Oct 20, 2004
Lynnwood, Washington
brock said:
Thanks for the compliment on the pics. Some of the pics were taken on the race courses.

You should be made aware that I am one of the "liberal lemmings"

I was being a bit fecetious on my recommendation for you to look up N8. You guys do seem to have aligned (albeit quite narrow) veiwpoints.

Thanks for the head's up! Jump outta line before they get to the cliff.:stupid:

Funny things about the left..
Viewpoints are fine, but when they're from the right..they're considered narrow.
Freedom of speech is paramount, unless a Republican is trying to talk.

But honestly...I hate politics and the friction that it creates. However, it is a necessary evil. I threw my 2 cents in for the year. I'll try again in 4 more.

...and I don't give a rip what religion or political agenda your devoted to. As long as we like the sun on our face, carving sweet single track, and good friends, then I think we'll be alright. :thumb:


Mar 27, 2004
The cheat sheet looks pretty left handed. :rolleyes:

We should all donate money to the bbtc and then have them make a donation to one of the lobbyist government officials. Then it is open season for mountain biking hahahahahaahha. :devil: We can close all the hiking trails and make them biking only.

Doesnt the Sierra Club do stuff like this?


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
Big B said:
Funny things about the left..
Viewpoints are fine, but when they're from the right..they're considered narrow.
Freedom of speech is paramount, unless a Republican is trying to talk.
Not entirely true. I think everyone should be able to speak their mind.

A narrow viewpont is a narrow viewpoint, regardless of what it is.
I agree that a lot lefty ideas are just as narrow. I'll go so far as to say that I am horribly closed minded on lots of issues.

Big B said:
But honestly...I hate politics and the friction that it creates. However, it is a necessary evil. I threw my 2 cents in for the year. I'll try again in 4 more.

...and I don't give a rip what religion or political agenda your devoted to. As long as we like the sun on our face, carving sweet single track, and good friends, then I think we'll be alright. :thumb:
Good call. I'm out.


Turbo Monkey
I like the "I, anonymous" section.:p

It's not like either of these candidates is the 'answer' to where we're at. One has the military gung-ho of Hitler and the other is a yes-man. Choose your evil.
Personally, I cannot vote for somebody when their main agenda is war. I'm voting for President of the USA...not Emperor of the World.

I must go vote now - which will give me every right to complain/bitch about the results. How about you?

Big B

Oct 20, 2004
Lynnwood, Washington
DBR X6 RIDER said:
... I cannot vote for somebody when their main agenda is war.
The main agenda is preventing war, and preventing another 9-11. If the terrorists would quit cutting off heads, and blowing up their own security forces, we could pack-up and go home. But we can't let a candy-@ss like Kerry take over now. We'll never get out of there.

Of course, realistically, we will never be completely out of there. I mean, we still have bases in Germany I think.

I'll vote for who makes my family safer. We have the right to protect American soil against ALL threats. It's a right we give ourselves, not a right we ask other nation's permission for.

Sometimes it takes a war to make peace. If not, we'd all be drinking Becks right now, or eating with chopsticks. (Both of which I do on occassion, but I hope you get the piont anyway).


Turbo Monkey
Jan 6, 2003
In the hills around Seattle
Big B said:
The main agenda is preventing war, and preventing another 9-11. If the terrorists would quit cutting off heads, and blowing up their own security forces, we could pack-up and go home. But we can't let a candy-@ss like Kerry take over now. We'll never get out of there.

Of course, realistically, we will never be completely out of there. I mean, we still have bases in Germany I think.

I'll vote for who makes my family safer. We have the right to protect American soil against ALL threats. It's a right we give ourselves, not a right we ask other nation's permission for.

Sometimes it takes a war to make peace. If not, we'd all be drinking Guiness right now, or eating with chopsticks. (Both of which I do on occassion, but I hope you get the piont anyway).
If you think allowing Haliburton to go into the hornets nest that is the middle east to make billions more $ at the expense of over 1000 US citizens (read: soldiers) and counting is going to prevent future attacks on the US you truly have your head in the sand.
"America, f#$k yeah,..."
How much of that Iraqi soil belongs to the US?
I'm trying to remember the "great war" between Ireland and the US?


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
buildyourown said:
I pretty much disagree with everything you say. However, Guiness is Irish. When have the Irish ever attacked the US?

I'm irish. I am also liberal. I'm pretty sure that the repubs think that liberals hate america. Therefore one could conclude that the irish are attacking the US right now.......


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
trailhacker said:
If you think allowing Haliburton to go into the hornets nest that is the middle east to make billions more $ at the expense of over 1000 US citizens (read: soldiers) and counting is going to prevent future attacks on the US you truly have your head in the sand.
Don't forget about the 100,000 Iraqi citizens.