Yeah the customs people are, don't disagree there, but TSA aren't. This mission creep that seems to have started where they are looking for all contraband rather than just dangers to security is disturbing. If they wanna do anything other than search for weapons or explosives they should be cordially invited to dine on the corn in your sh*te.
Yeah the customs people are, don't disagree there, but TSA aren't. This mission creep that seems to have started where they are looking for all contraband rather than just dangers to security is disturbing. If they wanna do anything other than search for weapons or explosives they should be cordially invited to dine on the corn in your sh*te.
Goddamn, man, how many times do I have to write this?
THEY ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS COULD SEARCH YOUR LUGGAGE FOR ANY AND ALL CONTRABAND. SINCE EVER AND ALWAYS. This is not mission creep. This is NOT new. This is NOT Orwellian. This is NOT the Bush administration. This has nothing in particular to do with the "War on Terror." Hell, the information aspect is probably older than the explosives/weapons aspect. This is not even unique to America.
This is normal, everyday **** which has caused no issues until people actually began getting requests to open their information for inspection, due to technological reasons, rather than just having locks cut and their **** rifled through where they couldn't see.
The fact that TSA seems to recruit at "special needs" schools is another issue, too.
The right of the TSA to search your bag for anything other than security related items is a legal grey area I'd reckon, certainly as regards to domestic travel. Internationally I would imagine it might be a different story.
Under what right can the TSA demand to see anything on your computer or the contents of any written material when you travel domestically. Just because they do, doesn't mean you should suck it up. They are there to make sure planes don't get hijacked and/or blown out of the sky not to be de-facto police. Customs is a different story as I've acknowledged.
We're not talking about TSA. We're talking about Customs.
Ed-Ah, is this all we've been arguing about? TSA has never been at question until someone (Opie, I think) brought them into it. The original article talks about Customs, and all arguments about searching pertain to law enforcement, not some TSA dude. (Not to say every customs officer is Perry Mason, either, but still--sworn law enforcement is a different game.)
And domestic flights aren't at issue either. We're talking about border crossings, by foot, air, car, or any other means of conveyance.
I was only answering Loopies comment in the first place. I'm gonna bitch slap you. AND DON'T PRETEND YOU WON'T SQUEAL LIKE N8 ON A DUBYA MEET AND GREET.
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