OK, asking for a better explanation is fine, but that's not how it came across to me in your original comment.
Certainly, expression can take many forms. When that expression is private, or done with a like-minded group, I don't think any of us can complain. When that expression, however, spills over into the personal lives of those who don't share your beliefs, then we've got a problem, no?
So, how do we find a middle ground?
Banning is not the right answer. It wouldn't have the desired affect anyway. But, what constitutes expression to you? It sounds like you think that every action you take is somehow expressive of your religion?
OK, asking for a better explanation is fine, but that's not how it came across to me in your original comment.
Certainly, expression can take many forms. When that expression is private, or done with a like-minded group, I don't think any of us can complain. When that expression, however, spills over into the personal lives of those who don't share your beliefs, then we've got a problem, no?
So, how do we find a middle ground?
Banning is not the right answer. It wouldn't have the desired affect anyway. But, what constitutes expression to you? It sounds like you think that every action you take is somehow expressive of your religion?