
Email WTF?

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
maybe I'm missing something but it looks like you've got new PMs at bustedspoke.com. Being from Mass, I'm assuming you're a member of their forums. If you weren't getting them before and you are now, they may have updated the forum software and it is a default setting to receive email notificiation with phpbb.

If this is a new way of spamming then I haven't seen it yet. Wouldn't surprise me though.


Nam I am
I think he is talking about the Blank Emails first. ( because he is a Member on Busted spoke as am I) No sender , no subject , no Body.

It is a New Spam Technique called "fishing" They find an ISP that will accept mail from them , but also send rejection from Invalid Mail boxes , so They Flood the Mail server with Mail to Random addresses ( aaaa aaab aaac , etc ) the ones they don't get rejections from are considered Valid Addresses, they then add this valid address to there List that they use to spam you with and also sell to other spammers and You will soon be seeing offers for viagra.


Nov 11, 2003
Yes, I was confused about getting an email that had no name or anything. There is nothing inside it either. It is like a blank email with no information at all.



Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
greenreese said:
Yes, I was confused about getting an email that had no name or anything. There is nothing inside it either. It is like a blank email with no information at all.


You shouldnt have opened it....................



Turn off PM notification emails. That is all you need to do. I get them in my mojo mail account, but I don't check them anyway, so I just let it fill up and delete them.


jacksonpt said:
Only way to know what's going on is to open them. Be sure to open/run any attachments too.

Unfortunately our mail server has blocked 2 .mdb files that I wanted and allowed 6 attachments that are likely malicious. :mumble: I get all kinds of crap that I think is from viruses on the server. Our mail admin ain't all that great here.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Yea... I work on a college campus, so we get our fair share of viruses. The campus has set zillions of firewalls and mail filters, but they still get through. Seems like the only things that get stripped off are the .zip files I need :rolleyes:

FWIW... the campus strips out 45-60,000 viruses daily :eek:


jacksonpt said:
Yea... I work on a college campus, so we get our fair share of viruses. The campus has set zillions of firewalls and mail filters, but they still get through. Seems like the only things that get stripped off are the .zip files I need :rolleyes:

FWIW... the campus strips out 45-60,000 viruses daily :eek:

meh, our mail server sends me that many a day. Zips are the only attachments I always get.