
Embarassment to all riders


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004

The quote/unquote 'scene of the crime' was that intersection right by the landmark Castro Theatre - it leads from a really busy MUNI station to that little plaza where The Naked Guy always hangs out. It was commuter hour and it was crowded as all getup. I couldn't see a line through the crowd and I couldn't stop, so I laid it down and just plowed through the crowded crosswalk in the least-populated place I could find.

In closing, I want to dedicate this story to my late helmet. She died in heroic fashion today as my head slammed into the tarmac
The guy kills a pedestrian and he complains about his helmet.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I think SF should ban cycling. Clearly the populace is not up to the task. Walking and waiting in line possibly too....


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Refer to my earlier post on how cyclists have to follow the goddamn fvcking law!! :rant:

In his posting, Bucchere notes that he was returning from the club's informal twice-weekly Pre-Dawn Headlands Raid ride from San Francisco to the top of Hawk Hill.

"Around 8 a.m. I was descending Divisadero Street southbound and about to cross Market Street," Bucchere writes in the message. "The light turned yellow as I was approaching the intersection, but I was already way too committed to stop. The light turned red as I was cruising through the middle of the intersection and then, almost instantly, the southern crosswalk on Market and Castro filled up with people coming from both directions.
Other online cycling messages refer to a GPS image of Bucchere's ride on the popular site Strava that apparently showed him going down the hill at 35.2 miles per hour. The speed limit on Castro at Market is 25 miles per hour, a San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency spokesman said.
Ugh. It is *exactly* was gives all of us cyclists a bad name...


May 16, 2007
There is a rider up our way that rips around the surrounding towns with No helmet and no regard for traffic laws. Add to that the local roadie rides that come through and think they are the TDF Peloton and simply throw their used gel wrappers and banana peels to the side of the road.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Ugh. It is *exactly* was gives all of us cyclists a bad name...
But a car driver plowing through a bunch of pedestrians? He's old/mechanical failure/had a bad morning/was texting/putting on makeup/yelling at the kids in the back seat/distracted by a herpes flareup/is drunk/etc...


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Idiotic actions like that reflect badly on any subset of road users, whether it's the octogenarian who confused the gas and the brake, or the teenager who wasn't paying attention... And like it or not, cyclists are viewed by Americans as a subset of road users. If you don't think that instances like that aren't going to make it harder for the rest of us who *do* follow the law and ride responsibly, you're delusional.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Idiotic actions like that reflect badly on any subset of road users, whether it's the octogenarian who confused the gas and the brake, or the teenager who wasn't paying attention... And like it or not, cyclists are viewed by Americans as a subset of road users. If you don't think that instances like that aren't going to make it harder for the rest of us who *do* follow the law and ride responsibly, you're delusional.
No, they don't. How many old people got their licences yanked after the Santa Monica Farmer's Market incident? Don't even get me started on the social acceptability of driving drunk or recklessly...

And, to be honest, I really don't care. I'm not a dick who rode down an old lady in a crosswalk because I was speeding and couldn't stop. When I venture out onto the road, what drivers think of me is of no concern. I'd rather have them frothing mad that I'm on the road, because most people aren't homicidal maniacs, but are instead completely clueless and not paying attention. If you're mad at me, you at least realize I exist. Besides, like you pointed out, we're not really "road users" anyways, so does it even matter?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Seriously? Maybe if you 'ventured out on the road' a bit more, or were married to someone who commutes by bike 25 miles per day you'd care about what drivers thought of cyclists being out on the road...
Does it matter if the person that hits you feels charitable toward cyclists or not?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'll take a honk or a comment about how I look like a fag (always a pickup truck driver, for some reason...) over being run down by a well intentioned texter who didn't even see me.

I'm sure you know from hanging around mountain bikers that the only people who don't hate bikes on roads in North America and the people who are road cyclists gives you a Venn diagram that is going to be pretty damn close to a circle.

That's the one thing I love about the hipsters and their fixies. More bikes on the road is a good thing. And it has nothing to do with how drivers feel about it.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I'll take a honk or a comment about how I look like a fag (always a pickup truck driver, for some reason...) over being run down by a well intentioned texter who didn't even see me.

I'm sure you know from hanging around mountain bikers that the only people who don't hate bikes on roads in North America and the people who are road cyclists gives you a Venn diagram that is going to be pretty damn close to a circle.

That's the one thing I love about the hipsters and their fixies. More bikes on the road is a good thing. And it has nothing to do with how drivers feel about it.

If you're at all serious by that comment, I'd suggest visiting more bike-friendly urban areas before making a blanket statement like that...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA

If you're at all serious by that comment, I'd suggest visiting more bike-friendly urban areas before making a blanket statement like that...
Bad communication on my part, sorry. I didn't mean road cyclists as spandex-clad people on racing machines, but rather people who ride their bikes on the road regularly. This would include a whole bunch of people I don't consider cyclists, myself. Again, not a well communicated thought on my part.

I've run into a very disturbing number of mountain bikers who seethe whenever their commute to the trail is delayed by 1/10th of a second by someone on a bike on the street. Hell, on my local mountain biking message board, the last time someone got run over in the canyon (dead) there were posts about how she shouldn't have been on the street anyways.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Apparently there is surveillance video from a nearby business indicating that the dude was full of crap when he said the intersection was full of people.

The intersection here is at the bottom of a steep hill. Most lights in SF have those timers ticking down so you know when the light is going to change. My guess - just a guess - is that the bike rider pinned it through the intersection just as the light changed, and that the ped stepped into the road when the light told him to walk, without actually looking to see if a bike (or a bus, car, truck, etc.) was coming at him. \
That is not to blame the pedestrian. Everyone who rides in SF knows that peds don't look before crossing. Blowing a light at a busy intersection is sketchy as hell is this town, that is just reality (and of course I am guilty of it too). Doing so at high speed at the particular intersection is incredibly stupid. If my guess is accurate, I say throw the book at him, same way you would if it were a car.

Silver, I see your point. Of course, getting honked at is better than getting hit. But wouldn't being able to ride your ride without the hassles of intentional close calls and getting yelled at be better?


PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
What a rude awakening when I was expecting the latest Biker Fox thread!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Apparently there is surveillance video from a nearby business indicating that the dude was full of crap when he said the intersection was full of people.

The intersection here is at the bottom of a steep hill. Most lights in SF have those timers ticking down so you know when the light is going to change. My guess - just a guess - is that the bike rider pinned it through the intersection just as the light changed, and that the ped stepped into the road when the light told him to walk, without actually looking to see if a bike (or a bus, car, truck, etc.) was coming at him. \
That is not to blame the pedestrian. Everyone who rides in SF knows that peds don't look before crossing. Blowing a light at a busy intersection is sketchy as hell is this town, that is just reality (and of course I am guilty of it too). Doing so at high speed at the particular intersection is incredibly stupid. If my guess is accurate, I say throw the book at him, same way you would if it were a car.

Silver, I see your point. Of course, getting honked at is better than getting hit. But wouldn't being able to ride your ride without the hassles of intentional close calls and getting yelled at be better?
I did a ride around the city tonight, and while I was careful about what lights and stop signs I rolled (and most I didn't not), I still had the same attitude and behavior around cars because I want to live.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Will be interesting to see all of the info released at the trial. Supposedly there's video showing he entered the intersection on a yellow, which would give him a legal right to be there (and would place the onus on the pedestrian to *not* step out until the traffic had cleared). He'd still have the speeding charge, but I'd be surprised if he were found guilty of "gross negligence" just for going 35 in a 25 and having a pedestrian step out in front of him.