


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Who here uses it? Favorite brand and type? I've been using Mad Alchemy mild and medium since the beginning of last cross season. I'll have to snag some of the hot for the crappy weather this winter. Anyone ever tried to make their own? I've been thinking about that recently...


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
While I've read mixed things about the functionality of embrocation, I still use it in the winter. I even use it for skate skiing to keep my knees happier. I use Freddy's Choice but am almost out so next winter I might change it up.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
How come I've never heard of this before?
Any reason you wouldn't use it while mountain biking in the rain? (that I do weekly)

I worked at a roadie shop and I've neer heard of this.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
How come I've never heard of this before?
Any reason you wouldn't use it while mountain biking in the rain? (that I do weekly)

I worked at a roadie shop and I've neer heard of this.
To be truly PRO one must embrocate before every ride. It's like always wearing kneewarmers if it's colder than 75 degrees- an irrational and much beloved old-rite that is performed ceremoniously. A key part of any neurotic's pre-race ritual.
A topical analgesic increases blood flow to the skin. Old SOB's like me use it to feel young again. In most environments embrocation actually tends to lower core temperature to do increased bloodflow. All that medical mumbo jumbo is bull**** though- it's insignificant for someone who is doing work.
Don't embrocate if you plan on getting drunk in the snow before you go pondskimming. Slathering yourself with wax and pepper extract is an extremely effective psycho-somatic intervention, and something I could not recommend more highly, especially for athletes with low self confidence or dysphoria. I embrocate before I go to work most days. Carefull, it could become a lifestyle.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I embrocate before I go to work most days. Carefull, it could become a lifestyle.
I'm heading that direction. I'm going to attempt to make my own. This will be my guide. I'll let you know how it goes. BTW Suspect, its been a while since you've posted....I thought you were dead :) Still running Spooky?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Huh. I though embrocation was when bro's express their love for each other (without actually saying it, of course).


Pretty close....group of guys sitting around, talking, rubbing oil on themselves....damn....we all sound gay :(

<edit> BTW, I bought all of the stuff to make my own embrocation. Assuming it comes out decent, it will be about $2 per oz vs $5 per oz from most embrocation makers. I'll take lots of photos while making it and post a process/review of the embrocation.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I got all of the stuff and made my first small batch of embrocation. It came out too waxy and a bit on the strong side. I used it this morning and while it worked great when the temp was 47 as the sun came up and it rose to the high 60s my legs got a bit hot. When I made it into the house my legs were on fire and due to the waxy composition it was damn hard to get off my legs. I'm going to take three ounces and try adding some more Shea butter and oil to cut it down and improve the consistency. It's been a fun experiment.