
Emerson's Bourbon Porter


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Just managed to get a bottle of this lil rare beauty! :love:
You lot over there won't get the chance to have any, but I thought I'd have a wee gloat anyway! :D
$10 for a 500ml bottle of 9.2% bliss.
Damm I wish I had a camera. :(

Here's what the emersons brewery has to say about it....

Emerson's Bourbon Porter
It has been three years since we brewed Whisky Porter. The last batch was number 547 and since then its been very difficult to source quality barrels. We thought this was the last time that we could produce Whiskey Porter. A chance conversation with a friend in the liquor industry lead us to purchase 12 almost new bourbon casks just freshly emptied. This was a rare opportunity we couldn't beer to miss...

The London Porter brew was decanted into the barrels at the old Grange Street Brewery on the 14th of July 2005 and trucked over to our new site for what was meant to be 4 months maturation. But now, nine months later, in May 2006, we have managed to find the time to rack the beer out of the barrels into the "marrying tank" to blend the individual barrel flavours. After our previous experience, we've got to know that checking the quality of each barrel before decanting into the tank was pretty darn hard work but oh, the flavours! The differences between each cask! The oakiness, charcoal, the bourbon, the tasting check certainly was a sensory experience.

Because we have only twelve casks left, we are researching extending the life of those barrels for a possible further batch of Bourbon Porter. In the meantime, do try and obtain some bottles of this limited edition rare breed. The Bourbon Porter will be released in July.