
employers these days!!!


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Ok so I have this situation. My g/f took a position at a local hardware store here in Truckee until her next school semester starts next fall. In the past few months they have really started to take advantage of her work ethic. She works her ass off for the $10/hr they pay her. Now she got promoted and things have just gotten worse. We were denied thanksgiving and x-mas time off, and now to top it all off she has been having one hell of time even getting time off to plan our wedding. Now they want her to travel 120 miles a day two days a week to their other store. No pay increase, no gas=+mileage... nothing. I'm not one for ultimatums so what do I do, it is wrecking our relationship.


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
Dude... if a $10/hr job is putting your relationship/wedding in jeopardy... it's time to start thinking about the importance about one of those two things (I'll let you decide which).


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
damn, quit, or take em to court. go talk to a lawyer. get everything that has happened in writing. or atleast as much as you can.
transfer memos and such.
but mainly talk to a lawyer, they can help out a lot.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Can't take them to court because we live in a seasonal ski resort area. most labor laws do not apply. It is also a hire/fire a will area. That's why they pull this stuff, no lawyer will touch it. That's why I went into business for myself as a welder. As soon as I called them on any of this they had me removed from the store and was told I could no longer come into the store. To me that's the last straw.

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
DHS I know you're always touchy about these employer questions, with good reason if I remember correctly. But there is nothing a lawyer could or would do. She is an at will employee.

I'd say ask her what's more important, the relationship or the $10/hr. There has to be some other job around. On the plus side, the mileage between places of business is tax deductible but you have to keep a pretty detailed record and have to be able to itemize or exceed a certain percentage of you gross pay - irs website has the details. I think the rate for '05 was upped to 39.5 cents/mile.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Ya this whole "at will" thing is soooooooo abused up here. I know a lift mechanic that was with a certain resort for 25 years. He struggled to stay here like the rest of us and planned to retire next year. But less than a year from retirement they fired him stateing that he was too old and too slow to do the job. So they just let him go. Thanks for those 25 years but c'ya later. No severence, nothing!!!

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
Mike, have her start looking for another job asap. As long as it doesnt get any worse at Ace for her, have her keep working there until she can find a new job. Dont let your lives get screwed up over some job. Tova diserves better than to be taken advantage of at work, help her through this.


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
Sounds like a bad situation.Sad part is,it's an at will job.Hopefully she can find another job,sounds like she's a heck of a worker.Maybe she can work somewher they appreciate her instead of take advantage .

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Mike, its $10 a hour, have her find another job for the hours she's good with. If she kinda likes the job she currently has then stick it out. Many couples have planned a wedding while each working full time jobs. Also you can help her out with the planning, I'm sure phone calls and reservations are the hardest part to make at a retail job, so at night when you guys are having dinner, let her make you a list of phone calls you'll need to make and what exactaly to ask for. It's doable you just need to be creative on how to get it done. On the other, she can explain her situation to her boss and try to get some extra time to call. If they really like her as an employee they'll help her out.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Have you actually told her that you think this is hurting your relationship, and asked her why she sticks with the job?

It's not good that employers demand this out of employees, but "at will" works both ways; she could call them up tomorrow and tell them she's quitting.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I'd say this is a price you have to pay for living and working somewhere that is so desirable to live................

If all employers were wonderful, benevolent, and paid employees really well, we'd all live places like that.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
binary visions said:
Have you actually told her that you think this is hurting your relationship, and asked her why she sticks with the job?

It's not good that employers demand this out of employees, but "at will" works both ways; she could call them up tomorrow and tell them she's quitting.
Then again welcome to the real world. My wife works her rear off sometimes long hours. Its just a part of life, sh*t she's leaving for China in a month for 10 days and I have to take care of my 1 1/2 & 5 year old by myself........Now thats stress:eek:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Brian HCM#1 said:
Then again welcome to the real world. My wife works her rear off sometimes long hours. Its just a part of life, sh*t she's leaving for China in a month for 10 days and I have to take care of my 1 1/2 & 5 year old by myself........Now thats stress:eek:
Brian, nobody knows better than I do that sometimes you end up with a s**t job that you're stuck dealing with even though you don't want to. But that's why he needs to ask her; if she's feels that she's stuck dealing with it, he needs to suck it up and cope. Maybe she just hasn't gone out and looked elsewhere, though.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
binary visions said:
Brian, nobody knows better than I do that sometimes you end up with a s**t job that you're stuck dealing with even though you don't want to. But that's why he needs to ask her; if she's feels that she's stuck dealing with it, he needs to suck it up and cope. Maybe she just hasn't gone out and looked elsewhere, though.
Of course, it sucks being in a sh*ty job, what even tougher is Mike's fiance is trying to go to school so its just a temporary job. However sometimes you gotta suck it up and deal with it knowing its only temporary as in Mike's situation. The tough thing is for them, unless she goes into Reno were thats a real city it will be tough to find a okay paying job in the Tahoe/Truckee area as its basicly all tourists.


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
Brian HCM#1 said:
Then again welcome to the real world. My wife works her rear off sometimes long hours. Its just a part of life, sh*t she's leaving for China in a month for 10 days and I have to take care of my 1 1/2 year old

Brian.if the one year old happens to be in diapers the package might say "20 to 25 lbs",that is the weight of the child not the capacity of the diaper :D

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
GravityFreakTJ said:
Brian.if the one year old happens to be in diapers the package might say "20 to 25 lbs",that is the weight of the child not the capacity of the diaper :D
DAMN!!!!!! I thought I'd be able to make it without a diper change :mumble: ;)