
Ended up putting Chinny down today.....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
If you'll recall, I had posted about how my Japanese Chin had a stroke a bit ago. That, combined with his severe bone spurs in his neck, hurt the little guy too much. What used to be a chirp or 2 a day before his medicine, became 20+ yelps a day, that I knew of (how many when I was at work is any guess).

Went to the vet today, and just made it clear I didn't want him hurting any more. They prepped him, and I injected him. He fell asleep in my arms.

It is not my position while here to play God regarding our pets. They need to be allowed to go out on their own terms, not when I feel it's right/time for them.

I know Alaina, our Cavalier Spaniel Sam, and another Chin we had, Joyjoy, welcomed him to the Rainbow Bridge. And I'm sure Alaina had a few mammoths there, too.

You were such a butthead, Chin, that your attitude won me over. I look forward to seeing you again.....
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PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
So sorry- it sounds like you did the right thing for your little buddy. :(


Sep 8, 2009
:stosh: That blows dude.

WTH is up with dogs lately. I know 2 people from work that recently had dogs pass away in the last couple weeks.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
:( Sorry for your loss. Pets are an extension of our family...our other children in many way so it's heartbreaking when it is time to say goodbye. Chin knows you did what was best and will keep your angel company while they watch over you <3