
Energy Bars - a Comparison

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Strawberry Shortcake Newtons
4 cookies
Calories 260 (50 cals from fat)
Total fat 6g’s
Sodium 190mg
Total carbs 50g
Sugars 30g’s
Protein 2g’s
(no potassium)

Cool Mint Chocolate Clif bar
Cals 250 (50 cals from fat)
Total fat 5g’s
Sodium 140mg
Potassium 240mg
Total carbs 43g’s
Sugars 17g’s
Protein 10 g’s

Hummm sugars are a little high in the newtons and protein low. I’m going to have to supplement protein anyhow so I’m not too concerned about either. But clif bars do have a BUNCH of vitamins and fig bars are lacking in this area.
I'm going to try the newtons in a 100 mtb race this weekend.


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
I'm mostly a cliff bar guy myself. The caffiene ones. But, I do love the Newtons, regular though. With people eating those styrofoam peanut like things, I'm less concerned about the high sugars as long as I continually have something to eat. Can't peak out on the sugar and then crash crash crash. If I were you, I'd take an assortment.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Fig bars should be fine - you are only going to eat 1 or 2 at a time so a sugar crash doesn't seem likely if you sustain the high. As for vitamins... if you need them during the race than it's too late.

My magic food is pretzil sticks - 1 oz an hour of very easy to digest carbs.