
Engagement Ring Advice


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
narlus said:
i thought osmium was the heaviest metal?
Many people would argue either Priest, Sabbath, or Slayer, but yes, it turns out that osmium is indeed the heaviest.

* Name: osmium
* Symbol: Os
* Atomic number: 76
* Atomic weight: 190.23 (3) g

* Name: tungsten
* Symbol: W
* Atomic number: 74
* Atomic weight: 183.84 (1)

For comparison:

* Name: titanium
* Symbol: Ti
* Atomic number: 22
* Atomic weight: 47.867 (1)


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Damn True said:
...and remember Mike in a marriage, when there is a disagreement, the man always and I mean ALWAYS has the last words.

Those words are: "Yes dear."
Ahahahahaha! Damn True's words are indeed damn true! When The GF and I first got together a buddy (who has been with his wife like 13 years, and is the model husband) took me aside and told me the very same thing. :thumb:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
DRB said:
At this point I'd go with your orginial idea for the ring. You put thought and effort into getting it right. If you spend too much time overanalyzing you'll f' it up.

i agree with drb and treesaw. the original ring sounds fantastic, and something that you've already put a lot of though into. much better than a plain diamond ring. diamonds are way overrated anyway.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
H8R said:
I proposed in front of about 75 of our friends on her birthday, right after cake.

She HAD to say yes. (or I woulda been owned)
Damn....now that's brave. We were driving in the car, running late because of an accident and he wanted to do it in private. It was funny...He kept trying to get me to pull over so he could ask me a question and I was like "no, we're late dumbass" so he finally just said "will you marry me?". I didn't think he was serious and I believe I said "yeah, right...whatever" :p as he was searching for the ring that he had hidden under the car seat. Quite fond memories of that ;) We still have a good laugh about it!


Turbo Monkey
Woo.. I'd say stay away from the garnet idea. You may be patriotic, but a red/white/blue wedding band is just....ewwww! White/blue, me likey, white/red, is also ok, black/red is kinda too gothic and blue/red looks like a stop light or cops.

If it's a big setting, you might want to consider a dual band w/ the setting on some kind of a bridge. It's showy tho. It might work pretty well for a smaller setting too.

Edit: I really like platium a lot, as well as opal. Just don't drink too much around platium since it'll start glowing red hot when in contact w/ alcohol :D


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
OK...good news is the design is pretty much finalized and I will be getting it here in New Zealand. Decided to change it up a bit and put a blue sapphire (might be a star, might be a clear blue one) in the center flanked by small diamonds for a bit of sparkle, with a setting that shows the sapphire underneath; basically a thin rim of a bezel around it with a fitting around the bottom as well, giving the ring a 'shoulder' so that it doesn't snag on anything and gives a good place to fit the diamonds.

Bad news I just realized. My homepage is Ridemonkey. I subscribe to threads automatically. She uses my computer. Chances may be she's reading this or has read it. (if so...um, Hi, baby. Will you marry me?)

Just deleted all my subscriptions and my automatic subscription option is now off, but the cat may be out of the bag. Then again, even if she did see my homepage, she probably wouldn't pay attention to anything on it. We'll see. I'll do some snooping via her parents and a friend of ours/co-worker of hers.

Thanks all for the advice anyhow; I know I've got the right design now, even if it's not a suprise.

Oh, and Gluten-Free Pantry has dougnuts for celiacs...but they're just not real doughnuts. We're looking into Spudnut's old recipie. One of our wedding gifts is going to be a deep frier. My friend Chris is chomping at the bit to buy it for us.