
Enron Corp email is online and Ahnold is involved

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
wow any of us can read what went on


but check the 2nd to the last paragraph of the article[below]. I think it proves that all politicians are liars.

It [the article] claims that Arnold and his backers held a private meeting with Ken Lay of Enron infamy. Guess we Californians gotta really keep watch on the hen house

"And while much of the database merely satisfies the curious onlookers and provides moments of embarrassment for those who sent or received the messages, information of a more devastating nature lurks there as well. While running for governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger had to confront the public disclosure of a meeting he attended with former Enron president, Kenneth Lay. The incriminating message read: "Last May, Lay convened a meeting of mostly conservative Los Angeles notables in a bid to preserve deregulation in California and quash a nascent public-power movement. Among those in attendance were Arnold Schwarzenegger, former L.A. Mayor Richard Riordan (now the Republican front-runner for governor), and, yes, Riordan's old business buddy, Mike Milken."


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
Heh, wasn't Arnie beating on Davis for allowing the state to get punked by Enron et al last summer?

Salon.com has been covering that meeting for a few months.