
Epic XC ride, PHOTOS


Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
Here's some pics from my ride yesterday. Just a great day. Nothing unusual to report.

The hike up

The top of Inspiration point

My buddy on his hardtail

Me hitting a nice staircase section, a little over exposed sorry :'(

Doo doo doo, just hitting this tech rock section, no big deal

.......................and SPLAT! That's what a mild concussion, 5 stiches in your chin, a really really strained shoulder and never wearing a non-fullface again looks like

Trust me, that rock is harder than it looks. DO NOT TRY IT. Experienced DH'ers have broken their elbows on the go around even. Miraculously no broken bones. A few sprained fingers/wrists. But even the concussion wasn't that bad. Only a 1/4 of a second of memory loss, and was able to coast/walk down the trail even.

Banshee Rider

Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2003
Boy, you got lucky. XC is scary because you never know if the crash will happen a mile away, or 10. Last fall I rolled my front tire in a turn and put my face into the ground (literally) at super speed. I was really fortunate to hit the deep moss and not the granite chunks near by. Thank god you only walked away with stitches and had a quick way out!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Boy, you got lucky. XC is scary because you never know if the crash will happen a mile away, or 10. Last fall I rolled my front tire in a turn and put my face into the ground (literally) at super speed. I was really fortunate to hit the deep moss and not the granite chunks near by. Thank god you only walked away with stitches and had a quick way out!
Yup. I've run out of spare tubes and patch kits before and was over 5 miles out from the trailhead. So I rode back bare rim. That was skeeeeeeeetchy!!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 21, 2005
Lancaster, PA
...and never wearing a non-fullface again looks like
Don't forget your goggles.

Rocks have a way of finding you, even when wearing a full face lid. I did this at Diablo while wearing my Remedy. What you can't see is the hole in my face - open to the bone.