As a basic tenet of following a selected relgion you must be closed minded about many things. If your faith says something is wrong, then a follower most agree. Thats the whole idea of religion.Originally posted by TCoop924
[B. So, good for them (particularly because christianity has always been one of the most closed-minded religions on earth). [/B]
I don't really have a problem with that. If someone tells me I'm going to hell for my actions I try to engage them in a serious debate about my problems with organized religion.
One of 2 things usually occurs. The most common is they have no real intellctual ground to stand on because their faith is based on emotion not thought. The second, less common thing is we debate for awhile until we get to the point that they admit their faith is just that, faith. Something in their hearts tells them they are part of the true faith, and it is a gift from God. At this point I usually say then be grateful you have been given this gift, I have not, and if their God is one worth worshiping he or she or it will understand my continuing struggle to come to terms with my existance, and not send me to Hades if I were to die tomorrow. Most folks agree with this.
I guess what I'm saying is if you don't like what a relgion beleives than don't be a part of it. No one forces you.
And aren't you being closed monded about others beliefs by calling them closed minded? This can become a vicous cycle.