
Episode 3


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs

Oh and I forgot to add this to my post above... it was kinda, strange to see Natalie Portman delivering Leia and Luke. Like I said earlier, she just didn't quite connect too too well with real emotional scenes in my opinion. :p


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
ghostrider said:
Let the naysayers bitch all they want...the movie kicked ass. George has almost redeemed himself. I'll probably even go see it again.
Agreed. :D And after school's out I might have to bust out all the other movies and watch them all in order, hahahaha. :p


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
That movie was awesome! George Lucas is still the MAN! Best of the whole series, the movie stands alone as well as it not only ties together, but really defines the whole series of movies. Homerun, out of the park, bravo.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
i dont get it... why does the robot cough? and why doesnt the one guys arms bleed when anakin lops them off? and why didnt jar jar binks get a speaking role? i did like the army of chewbaccas though.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
dirtjumpP.1 said:
i dont get it... why does the robot cough? and why doesnt the one guys arms bleed when anakin lops them off? and why didnt jar jar binks get a speaking role? i did like the army of chewbaccas though.
I think he was a cyborg.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
dirtjumpP.1 said:
i dont get it... why does the robot cough?
He's got a bad case of space bronchitis.

dirtjumpP.1 said:
and why doesnt the one guys arms bleed when anakin lops them off?
Duh, cuz that guys the original Dracula and his tank was a little low.

dirtjumpP.1 said:
and why didnt jar jar binks get a speaking role?
Thankfully he had a bad case of galactic laringitis.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
I saw thew 12:00 AM showing (only cause I have a friend that's a Star Wars freak and she got tickets a month in advance). R2-D2 kicks ass and almost all of the fighting is amazingly choreographed. I love Star Wars cause it's a great story, not cause of the quality directing/scriptwriting.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
dirtjumpP.1 said:
i dont get it... why does the robot cough? and why doesnt the one guys arms bleed when anakin lops them off? and why didnt jar jar binks get a speaking role? i did like the army of chewbaccas though.
Cause the robot is actually an alien (look close at the face), lightsabers cauterize so people don't bleed, and we hate Jar Jar. I know way too much about this to seem cool. :(


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I haven't seen it yet, but has Natalie Portman improved any as an actress since I or II. That has been the most painful thing to watch. That and she looks like a little boy with breasts.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
yeah... and another question, why does the ship begin to sink in space? (in the beginning after anakin decapitates that dude)


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
dirtjumpP.1 said:
yeah... and another question, why does the ship begin to sink in space? (in the beginning after anakin decapitates that dude)

I would guess it gets affected by Coruscant's gravity field, after the ships stabilizers fail.

Portman's acting is the worse in comparison with all the other actors in the movie.

Anakin should have chopped JarJar in half... lets hope it is a deleted scene to watch on the dvd.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
dirtjumpP.1 said:
yeah... and another question, why does the ship begin to sink in space? (in the beginning after anakin decapitates that dude)
This is the best anyone can do to bash the movie? i love it, people are gonna be upset now that they can't bash Star Wars anymore.

bigginsis said:
george lucas is just played.
No m'am, george lucas bashing is played.


Oct 17, 2002
i hate how they made Yoda look like a pvssy... crawling thru the air vents, running away from the fight when he's not even injured. They should've had him and Palpatine both seriously injured and carried away by their respective minions. Yoda taken to Dagobah to heal, etc.

Now, we're left with the image of Yoda being a coward.

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
Yeah I was kind of bummed that Mace could kick the emperors butt, but Yoda couldn't? I thought the movie was intense and sad. The way Anakin turned was just brutal but i thought it was appropriate to witness his askew perception due to his deception and need for justification. Rough movie. Mace got it the worst and Obi won definetly moved up the ranks in cool factor. How come the other Jedi "masters" went out so easily? That was weird too. Anakins a bits.


Oct 17, 2002
Heath Sherratt said:
Yeah I was kind of bummed that Mace could kick the emperors butt, but Yoda couldn't?
Mace didn't do crap. Palpatine was setting the scene to get Ani to kill Mace and complete his transformation to the Dark side. Since we're talking about Mace, that was some of Sam J's worst acting :(

Heath Sherratt said:
How come the other Jedi "masters" went out so easily? That was weird too.
That WAS weird and I thought that at the time. I guess some Jedi's can huck a 20' cliff, but some are just roadies.


LordOpie said:
Now, we're left with the image of Yoda being a coward.
Dude - he's a little green ogre. What the hell else should we think???

*I liked the movie better than the last 2, but don't get why R2 could jet out of the ships and he had to be lifted out in other movies. That's the only flaw, other than they try to make things funny. Star Wars ain't no laughing matter.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I saw E3 today and I thought it was visually outstanding but the story and acting wasn't that good compaired to Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.

There was so much computer generated effects that the couple scenes that didn't have them seem oddly out of place.

Also Yoda sucks as a computer generated character. They should have left him as a muppet... at least he had some personality back then.

Over all I give the flick 3 stoshes out of 5.


The resident nerd just explained that the jedis being killed was the revenge.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
LordOpie said:
i hate how they made Yoda look like a pvssy... crawling thru the air vents, running away from the fight when he's not even injured. They should've had him and Palpatine both seriously injured and carried away by their respective minions. Yoda taken to Dagobah to heal, etc.

Now, we're left with the image of Yoda being a coward.

he's smart and waiting for the right moment. If he didn't go into hiding how long do you think he would have lasted with all the dark side trying to kill him as well as the clone troopers turning on him...he's bad @ss but not immortal...D


BMXman said:
he's smart and waiting for the right moment. If he didn't go into hiding how long do you think he would have lasted with all the dark side trying to kill him as well as the clone troopers turning on him...he's bad @ss but not immortal...D
Leave it to a wannabe canadian to defend that little green midget. ;)


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Rule #1: The ability of Jedis to jump, flip, and kick ass using the Force is directly proportional to Lucas' need to advance the plot how he sees fit.

Rule #2: Jedis really like dropping their lightsabers and hanging off ledges, time and time again. Whether they can get their lightsaber back is an issue for Rule #1.

Rule #3 (well, comment, really, not a rule): CGI graphics just don't carry the flavor of the original Star Wars movies. These days, it'd be much cooler to do a movie WITHOUT CGI...the space-fights look like any old video game these days. Team America has probably had the best special effects of the last 5 years. Puppets rule.


Edit: Lucas' easy out at the end actually de-fused a lot of the things that had bothered me about the prequels...why, for example, C3PO doesn't recognize Tattoine in Ep 4...when he's acually FROM Tattoine. That 'wipe this droid's memory' line was just too easy. And it gave me less to gripe about. Grrrrr.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
MikeD said:
Rule #1: The ability of Jedis to jump, flip, and kick ass using the Force is directly proportional to Lucas' need to advance the plot how he sees fit.

Rule #2: Jedis really like dropping their lightsabers and hanging off ledges, time and time again. Whether they can get their lightsaber back is an issue for Rule #1.

Rule #3 (well, comment, really, not a rule): CGI graphics just don't carry the flavor of the original Star Wars movies. These days, it'd be much cooler to do a movie WITHOUT CGI...the space-fights look like any old video game these days. Team America has probably had the best special effects of the last 5 years. Puppets rule.
Rule #4: What is it with Jedis cutting off hands?


MikeD said:
Edit: Lucas' easy out at the end actually de-fused a lot of the things that had bothered me about the prequels...why, for example, C3PO doesn't recognize Tattoine in Ep 4...when he's acually FROM Tattoine. That 'wipe this droid's memory' line was just too easy. And it gave me less to gripe about. Grrrrr.
News flash - they are George Lucas' movies.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
N8 said:
Rule #4: What is it with Jedis cutting of hands?
THAT I can answer. The Star Wars movies are based on old samurai films, Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress" being the actual inspriation for Ep 4.

In Japanese swordfighting, cutting off of the wrist or wrists is a classic cut...the other targets are the head, the side of the breastplate, and the throat. Sometimes the shin, as well, but that's more with a spear. It (cutting at the wrist) is called "Kote..." (koh-tay) The wrists are pretty vulnerable in a swordfight, getting stuck out there all the time.

I'm not so much a Star Wars geek as a general film geek. Plus my girlfriend asked the same question after the movie, so I had time to think about it.