
es a joke


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
When white man found this land, Indians were running it.

There were:
- No Taxes
- No Debt
- Plenty buffalo
- Plenty beaver
- Medicine man free
- Women did all the work
- Men hunted and fished all the time

The white man was dumb enough to think he could improve on
that system!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
loco said:


Time to spice things up. :devil:

Q. How do you make a dead baby float?
A. 2 scoops ice cream, 1 scoop dead baby.

Q. What the difference between a 100 lbs of coffee and 100lbs of dead baby?
A. I dont have a 100 lbs of coffee ground up and in my freezer.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
Q: How many dead babies does it take to paint a wall?
A: Depends how hard you throw them.

Q: What's the difference between a truck full of dead babies and a truck full of rocks?
A: You can't use a pitchfork to unload the rocks.


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
mack said:

Time to spice things up. :devil:

Q. How do you make a dead baby float?
A. 2 scoops ice cream, 1 scoop dead baby.

Q. What the difference between a 100 lbs of coffee and 100lbs of dead baby?
A. I dont have a 100 lbs of coffee ground up and in my freezer.
bikenweed said:
Q: How many dead babies does it take to paint a wall?
A: Depends how hard you throw them.

Q: What's the difference between a truck full of dead babies and a truck full of rocks?
A: You can't use a pitchfork to unload the rocks.
WTF is wrong with you 2, that is just sick and wrong.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
mack said:

Time to spice things up. :devil:

Q. How do you make a dead baby float?
A. 2 scoops ice cream, 1 scoop dead baby.

Q. What the difference between a 100 lbs of coffee and 100lbs of dead baby?
A. I dont have a 100 lbs of coffee ground up and in my freezer.

Difference between babies and bowling balls:
You can pick up babies with a pitch fork.

edit: aww crap someone beat me to it.


took the red pill
Indian way. Definitely. What are we going to do about the coming Ice Age?

What will you do when there is no heat to heat your fat crib? We are not prepared. We have raped the land and it's going to hit us hard. Maybe not right away, but the Earth is pissed off.

Plus with all the masses subscribing to the armageddon theory, they will consciously create that reality for themselves, on Earth. The rest of us will transcend to a higher dimensional level (4th dimension)

This is no BS :thumb:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Indian way. Definitely. What are we going to do about the coming Ice Age?
I'm planning on skiing alot of powder, dammit.

What will you do when there is no heat to heat your fat crib? We are not prepared. We have raped the land and it's going to hit us hard. Maybe not right away, but the Earth is pissed off.
You underestimate the ingenuity of the human race.

Plus with all the masses subscribing to the armageddon theory, they will consciously create that reality for themselves, on Earth. The rest of us will transcend to a higher dimensional level (4th dimension)

This is no BS :thumb:
I hate to break it to you, but it *is* BS. ;)


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
naw hes right, the earth is pissed. You think that humans are by god immune from extinction? that we are the chosen and thats it. We can do whatever the **** we want, when we want, and get away with it? Our race is horrible at coping with change. And the way our society runs, if it gets any more stressed than it is, we will see a huge collapse, and tons of dead people


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
boostindoubles said:
naw hes right, the earth is pissed. You think that humans are by god immune from extinction? that we are the chosen and thats it. We can do whatever the **** we want, when we want, and get away with it? Our race is horrible at coping with change. And the way our society runs, if it gets any more stressed than it is, we will see a huge collapse, and tons of dead people

The earth is an inanimate object. The earth could give a rat's ass what goes on. It just does its thing.

And contrary to your assertion, the human race is incredibly good at coping with change. At least compared to almost every other species out there. I think *that* may eventually be our undoing.

Our population will eventually face mass die-off, but I expect it will be at the hands of some lowly virus.


took the red pill
boostindoubles said:
naw hes right, the earth is pissed. You think that humans are by god immune from extinction? that we are the chosen and thats it. We can do whatever the **** we want, when we want, and get away with it? Our race is horrible at coping with change. And the way our society runs, if it gets any more stressed than it is, we will see a huge collapse, and tons of dead people
CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP. I have no fear, bring it.



Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
true, everything else is getting killed off by us! So your right, other species dont cope with us very well. The environment doesnt cope with us very well either. The oceans are raped, the forests are raped, even grass lands. I saw an article in the news that people up in greenland or iceland were actually harvesting glacier to make vodka even.

And i dont agree with "earth is an inanimate object", but its just a personal belief, and i wont argue with you about it


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
boostindoubles said:
true, everything else is getting killed off by us! So your right, other species dont cope with us very well. The environment doesnt cope with us very well either. The oceans are raped, the forests are raped, even grass lands. I saw an article in the news that people up in greenland or iceland were actually harvesting glacier to make vodka even.
Do you actually believe that things are this bad? What is the big deal about people harvesting ice (a glacier is simply a large block of ice) to make vodka?


took the red pill
The earth is not dead. It is in itself a living organism. It is comprised of energy and feeding off energy created by us and other living organisms as well. It is as living and breathing as we are. It's all relative. Look at every grain of sand, then look at an ant, then look at a cat, then us, then the planet, then the solar system, then the universe.

There's more to this than meets the eye. I myself subscribe to global consciousness. Although this seems to be species specific, we are unaware of the affect it has on humans, caus we're too worried about mountain bikes and 22" rims for our Escalades.

Take the 100 monkeys theory. You have monkeys on a remote island. Humans teach them how to wash off a sweet potato. They use to peel it and throw 1/2 of it away. A human comes along and shows them how to wash it off in the water. A year later, monkeys continents away are seen doing this same behavior.

What relevance does this have? I don't know. lol. I think that we are all connected though, whether we like it or not and are living an exeperience on Earth as individuals, contributing to a global consciousness. God experiences life through us, I believe.

Maybee I'm nuts, it's quite plausable that I've gone off the deep end. But evidence points toward my theories.

Take the spotted owl. This owl eats a specific bird. This bird eats a specific butterfly.

The butterfly eventually changes it's color to be that of the owl. End result is that the bird now fears eating the butterfly as its markings look like the owl. Now answer me this. HOW THE **** DID THE BUTTERFLY KNOW ABOUT THE OWL?

It's this type of stuff that amazes me. We are too blind to see this type of thing. Why? Caus we're too worried about oil and 22" rimz.
We could learn a lot from nature. We are operating in complete utter disharmony from it. This will blow up in our face. Things will be reset back to ZERO, trust me.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
well for us to exist on this planet happily things have to maintain a certain level of normalcy. When temperatures are going up and ice caps are melting that changes ocean currents, and air currents.

And yes man, compared to how this planet was 150 years ago, it is bad. As far as populations of fish and animals, acreage of forest and glacier. Its changing alot, and rapidly at the hands of man. people dump chemicals into the farm land and dump nuclear waste into the ocean. If you think everything is hunky-dory then you've been walking around with deaf ears my man. But most people do.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
boostindoubles said:
well for us to exist on this planet happily things have to maintain a certain level of normalcy. When temperatures are going up and ice caps are melting that changes ocean currents, and air currents.

And yes man, compared to how this planet was 150 years ago, it is bad. As far as populations of fish and animals, acreage of forest and glacier. Its changing alot, and rapidly at the hands of man. people dump chemicals into the farm land and dump nuclear waste into the ocean. If you think everything is hunky-dory then you've been walking around with deaf ears my man. But most people do.
Gimme a break. What actual evidence do you base this opinion on? Do you know this stuff for a fact? Cite your sources, my good man.

Dumping nuclear waste into the ocean? This is happening??

Would you even consider alternative views that things aren't so bad?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Dumping nuclear waste into the ocean? This is happening??

I think the military was dumping low level nukular waste in 55gal drums in the pacific in the 50's and 60's. Shouldn't be happening anymore.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
http://www.taiwandc.org/nyt-2002-01.htm - one example of the nuclear waste dumping

http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain/global/sensem/Lin99.htm -heres a good one

"Despite all the severe consequences of ocean dumping, the government does not pay heed to its own regulations. In the past, the world's oceans were considered by industry and certain governments as convenient out-of-sight, out-of-mind dumping grounds. For example, "the United States began the practice of dumping nuclear waste into the oceans by dumping "an estimated 112,000 drums or containers at thirty sites in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans before the Senate declared a moratorium on the activity in 1982" (Waczewski, 1997). In 1970, the United States ceased its practice of nuclear dumping in the ocean due to economical, not environmental factors. The practice of ocean dumping was not considered to be as economically efficient as other disposal medians. "


you want more?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
The earth is not dead. It is in itself a living organism. It is comprised of energy and feeding off energy created by us and other living organisms as well. It is as living and breathing as we are. It's all relative. Look at every grain of sand, then look at an ant, then look at a cat, then us, then the planet, then the solar system, then the universe.
Regardless - the earth doesn't "care" what happens. We could completely destroy ourselves and 99% of the living organisms on the earth and you know what - the earth would go on "being" just as it always has for 4+ billion years.

<snip> But evidence points toward my theories.
Credible evidence?

Take the spotted owl. This owl eats a specific bird. This bird eats a specific butterfly.

The butterfly eventually changes it's color to be that of the owl. End result is that the bird now fears eating the butterfly as its markings look like the owl. Now answer me this. HOW THE **** DID THE BUTTERFLY KNOW ABOUT THE OWL?
The butterfly *didn't* "know" about the owl. You should read up on natural selection. It's random. Very fascinating stuff.

It's this type of stuff that amazes me. We are too blind to see this type of thing. Why? Caus we're too worried about oil and 22" rimz.
We could learn a lot from nature. We are operating in complete utter disharmony from it. This will blow up in our face. Things will be reset back to ZERO, trust me.
Naw - it'll never go back to zero until the sun swells up and engulfs the earth. And that's aways off. :p


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
boostindoubles said:
naw hes right, the earth is pissed. You think that humans are by god immune from extinction? that we are the chosen and thats it. We can do whatever the **** we want, when we want, and get away with it? Our race is horrible at coping with change. And the way our society runs, if it gets any more stressed than it is, we will see a huge collapse, and tons of dead people
I think we are smart and adaptive enough as a species to persevere. However... society as we know it will crumble.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
SkaredShtles said:

Naw - it'll never go back to zero until the sun swells up and engulfs the earth. And that's aways off. :p
The earths magnetic field will weaken and solar radiation will strip the atmosphere before that happens.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
agreed. And with it will come the death's of millions of people

btw...scared****lless, those sources are legit, not hippy eco-activist sources. So i would hold them as credible evidence


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
boostindoubles said:
http://www.taiwandc.org/nyt-2002-01.htm - one example of the nuclear waste dumping
You're being disingenuous with this cite. They're not "dumping" the waste - they're facing a problem with a coastal waste site and threatening to dump it in the ocean.

http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain/global/sensem/Lin99.htm -heres a good one

"Despite all the severe consequences of ocean dumping, the government does not pay heed to its own regulations. In the past, the world's oceans were considered by industry and certain governments as convenient out-of-sight, out-of-mind dumping grounds. For example, "the United States began the practice of dumping nuclear waste into the oceans by dumping "an estimated 112,000 drums or containers at thirty sites in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans before the Senate declared a moratorium on the activity in 1982" (Waczewski, 1997). In 1970, the United States ceased its practice of nuclear dumping in the ocean due to economical, not environmental factors. The practice of ocean dumping was not considered to be as economically efficient as other disposal medians. "
So in other words they quit doing it 35 years ago........ :think:

I read some of this - so it looks as if commercial fisherman will go out of business because of lack of wild fish and fish farming may become more prevalent. Sounds like what happens any time you overextend a natural resource.

I do like their comparison "Bluefins are going the way of the buffalo" - the American Bison is making a comeback and now "American bison population is now relatively secure, with 500 thousand animals" (http://www.ultimateungulate.com/Artiodactyla/Bison_bison.html)

you want more?
Sure. Bring 'em on.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Oh, there is no global warming either. We are entering an ice age. Buddha told me this and then a short speak with Jesus verified this. You will see more information on this in the near future from the scientific community.

Hasn't this been predicted before? :think:

Hey - since you talk with Buddha & Big J - could you try to get them to put some decent pubs in my neighborhood? :thumb: