
Etiquette to other trail users

Are you courteous to hikers on the trail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 65 98.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
I am doing a research project and need to use some real numbers in an anaylsis. What I need is an idea of how many people are courteous to hikers (for example) and watch out for them on the trail. :monkey:

I always at least say hello to them, to everyone who passes, and hope that they do the same in return. Annoying when they dont.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Yupper! Spier Falls (one of our favorite riding spots that is state land) has frequent hikers. We definately say hello to all of them and sometimes stop to chat more, help them find the overlooks, etc. We haven't met any that hated bikers yet!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Oh yeah, we do have some runners on our SMBA trails and one girl runs with headphones on. :nope: Occassionally we come up on her and scare the crap out of her because we really have to shout for her to hear us coming through, but generally she just jumps out of the way :D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dwaugh said:
I am doing a research project and need to use some real numbers in an anaylsis. What I need is an idea of how many people are courteous to hikers (for example) and watch out for them on the trail.
Dude - you're going to need to get better with your poll question. This one is pretty leading and will have a predictable result.

"I'm a complete a$$hole to other trail users".......... :rolleyes:



Dec 6, 2004
i treat them as horses.....

i better stop, cause they can kick me... jejejeje im such a puss....

normally stop and chat....


Oct 17, 2002
I'm usually riding too fast to say hello. This is especially good with horses since they don't usually know I'm there until I've safely blown by 'em.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
In Santa Barbara we have serious trail access issues and courtesy to hikers is key.

Is this reciprocal? Well, it depends. There are straight up assholes out there who will still give you the stink eye even though you did everything possible to be accomodating/friendly.

In this case I head butt them ;)

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
SkaredShtles said:
Dude - you're going to need to get better with your poll question. This one is pretty leading and will have a predictable result.

"I'm a complete a$$hole to other trail users".......... :rolleyes:


"I hate hikers and throw feces at them."


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
I thought the same as I was posting it. OK then, how many hikers are nice in return? I dont believe that much user conflict happens in my area, but in other areas I know that it happens. Rip was caught in a trap, etc....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Yea... all the trails I ride are multi-use trails, so bikers/hikers pretty much have to get along. Whenever I see someone else on the trail, I always slow way down and move to one side of the trail. I generally say "excuse me" as I pass them. If I'm in the mood, I may chat with them for just a minute, espeically if they are out with a dog.

There's only been one occasion where the person/people I met on the trail did not extend the same type of courtesy. It was a fairly large group of hikers (I'd say 15-20 people), and whoever was guiding them was an ass.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
This is a horribly biased poll. You'd need to go more in depth with specific behavioral questions to get a less-biased answer.

I'm nice to hikers, as I hike a lot too. I try to be nice to horseback riders...I find it hard to be nice to dickfaces on 1000lb beasts who refuse to let me pass on a 1000ft singletrack descent. And while they rape trails by cratering them in mud. Most horsey riders around here are rednecks anyway...I don't like them.

To quote something from a bike mag, "I will acknowledge the rights of horses on singletrack when I see a hiker or a mountain biker take a crap in the middle of the trail."


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
blue said:
This is a horribly biased poll. You'd need to go more in depth with specific behavioral questions to get a less-biased answer.
This has already been covered, Poindexter. :rolleyes:

I'm nice to hikers, as I hike a lot too. I try to be nice to horseback riders...I find it hard to be nice to dickfaces on 1000lb beasts who refuse to let me pass on a 1000ft singletrack descent. And while they rape trails by cratering them in mud. Most horsey riders around here are rednecks anyway...I don't like them.
Dude - always yield to *anyone* that is ascending. Be it hiker or horse or motorcycle. Whatever. Just stop and let them pass uphill. The Trail Access Gods will reward you. :p

To quote something from a bike mag, "I will acknowledge the rights of horses on singletrack when I see a hiker or a mountain biker take a crap in the middle of the trail."
They'll be on trails long after we're gone - they've got *history* on their side and an impressive lobbying effort. Don't piss off the horseback riders. That's a surefire way to f**k yourself out of legally accessible trails.



Dec 6, 2004
horses are superior beeings.... they can take a dump wherever they want...

us earthlings, have to hide from the gods to do it....


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Always. I have a bell on my bike, and always warn them if I am coming behind them. When passing, I slow to a crawl and chat with them. You know... hey, how ya doin? Have a nice hike... that sort of thing. most are friendly, a few are rude.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Anyone know where to get a cheap LOUD air horn. I would love to start blasting people in cars that smile after they cut you off!


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
This has already been covered, Poindexter. :rolleyes:

Dude - always yield to *anyone* that is ascending. Be it hiker or horse or motorcycle. Whatever. Just stop and let them pass uphill. The Trail Access Gods will reward you. :p

They'll be on trails long after we're gone - they've got *history* on their side and an impressive lobbying effort. Don't piss off the horseback riders. That's a surefire way to f**k yourself out of legally accessible trails.


We were both descending. I always yield to an uphill rider/hiker, unless they have already yielded, in which case I slowly cruise by with a thank you much. They (the horses) were more or less pissing me off, not the other way around. I was being the nice MTBer, as Verl, the lead cavalry rider, directed his Horseyjugend to attack me. Well, not so much, but the 7 year old girl on the half ton monster almost killed me as the dude told me it was okay to pass (you know, standard procedure walking the bike as far away from the horse as is possible...). I just let the hatred and anger bubble up under my skin, until one day, I commit horse genocide ;).

I know I know...they've got the whole goddamned cowboy lobby on their side or whatnot. Not that it would make a difference here anyways, the horses and ATVs have already begun raping what little singletrack we have.

Maybe I'm just bitter, living amongst the rednecks and roadies... :mumble:


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
chicodude01 said:
Sorry, still you.

You are such a large steaming pile of crap it's not even funny........
Have you got anything better to do than randomly flame people for no apparent reason? :think:

Now that you're running out of people to hate, you've turned to your eFriends?! I'm aghast! :eek:

Guess I've turned into the weird kid's H8 of the month. Flame on, bitch.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I live in San Francisco and ride in Marin County a lot. Pretty much ground central for user conflict. I've had lots of negative experiences with hikers. Generally the horseback riders are much friendlier in my experience.

I sometimes hike, and I have friends that hike and ride horseback. Sadly there are still a lot of clowns on bikes that give all riders a bad reputation. Some are just ignorant noobs, some are intentionally aggressive, most are just too self-centered for multi-use trails. As a result, when I'm on the bike I tend to go overboard to be courteous to other trail users, even if they have a bad attitude. I figure that for every negative experience they have, they should have a positive experience too and maybe it'll balance out.

And Lord Opie, please tell us you were joking about "safely" blowing by horses. There's nothing safe (or cool) about spooking horses, and it will only make things harder for you and the rest of us in the long run. Just because something happens behind you doesn't mean it's not happening, and just because you're not aware of any immediate harm doesn't mean you're not turning one more person against bikes on multi-use trails. And when the time comes to decide who gets to ride where, the equestrians probably have more money, organization, and influence than the bike riders. So yeah maybe it'll ruin your "flow" for a few seconds. Give it up in favor of helping preserve the right to be out there - it's not your trail just because you can go faster, any more than cars own the road over bikes just because they're faster.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
OGRipper said:
And Lord Opie, please tell us you were joking about "safely" blowing by horses. There's nothing safe (or cool) about spooking horses,
If he actually does that then he probably doesn't have a clue about the aftermath. If there is doubt i'll give the right of way to other trail users. Many times a slower controlled pace is all that's necessary to pass, along with a courteous greeting. All people out on the trails are out to have a good time.

Finally to those who are a little ignorant about horses. A horse sometimes doesn't have any exposure to mt. bikers. Therefore they don't view us as humans, we may appear as a predator, in which case it could be dangerous for everyone involved. If in any doubt, dismount the bike and speak in a freindly tone, not only to converse, but more importantly to assure the horse that you are NOT A THREAT.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Skookum said:
All people out on the trails are out to have a good time.
That should be true but sadly it seems like that's not always the case. There are some miserable hikers on the trails out here who seem like they just want to bring everyone down to their level of unhappiness.

Skookum said:
Finally to those who are a little ignorant about horses. A horse sometimes doesn't have any exposure to mt. bikers. Therefore they don't view us as humans, we may appear as a predator, in which case it could be dangerous for everyone involved. If in any doubt, dismount the bike and speak in a freindly tone, not only to converse, but more importantly to assure the horse that you are NOT A THREAT.
Amen. I don't ride horses but using a little common sense and courtesy works wonders. At the very least slow down and ask the horseback rider if it's ok to pass or what. Some will say, it's fine, go ahead, some will ask me to hold on a second, but they almost always appreciate a considerate approach.

To anyone that doesn't get it: We're talking about multi-use trails where everyone has a right to be out there, doing their own thing. That's what we as bikers want, so we need to respect everyone else and whatever it is they want to do. Anything less is hypocritical, so minimize conflicts by being courteous and respectful. Act like an ambassador for your sport. If you don't, bikes will be the first to go.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Skookum said:
Finally to those who are a little ignorant about horses. A horse sometimes doesn't have any exposure to mt. bikers. Therefore they don't view us as humans, we may appear as a predator, in which case it could be dangerous for everyone involved. If in any doubt, dismount the bike and speak in a freindly tone, not only to converse, but more importantly to assure the horse that you are NOT A THREAT.
:stupid: I always stop and dismount / wait when horses are present. Hikers, too. Having other user groups see someone on a bike be courteous can go a long way. It suprising how many people are suprised to see you stop and wait. :confused:


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
Skookum said:
Finally to those who are a little ignorant about horses. A horse sometimes doesn't have any exposure to mt. bikers. Therefore they don't view us as humans, we may appear as a predator, in which case it could be dangerous for everyone involved. If in any doubt, dismount the bike and speak in a freindly tone, not only to converse, but more importantly to assure the horse that you are NOT A THREAT.
I used to dismount whenever I came across a horse. Everytime, though appreciative, they always got a giggle - "It's just a horse, ain't ya'll ever seen one before?" Truth is, I was more scared of the horse than it was of me. [1/2 ton skittish demons can run much faster than I can ride - in either direction. :p ] Of course, the first time I simply slowed down and went wide - the damn thing spooked. Arggghhh, no winning I tell ya. Best thing I've found is to read the rider. Slow down, then if the rider is relaxed ... pass. If the rider is staring down at her horse with a serious fist full of rope ... I dismount and wait for the horse to calm.

As for hikers ... smile, nod, try not to splash them, get on by. They usually hear me coming and have stepped off to the side. Like bikers, they're just people. No matter how nice to them you are, if they're assholes, they gonna bitch. If they're not, they're not gonna care. Simple as that.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
BuddhaRoadkill said:
I used to dismount whenever I came across a horse. Everytime, though appreciative, they always got a giggle - "It's just a horse, ain't ya'll ever seen one before?" Truth is, I was more scared of the horse than it was of me. [1/2 ton skittish demons can run much faster than I can ride - in either direction. :p ] Of course, the first time I simply slowed down and went wide - the damn thing spooked. Arggghhh, no winning I tell ya. Best thing I've found is to read the rider. Slow down, then if the rider is relaxed ... pass. If the rider is staring down at her horse with a serious fist full of rope ... I dismount and wait for the horse to calm.
Yep...spooking a horse on footwide singletrack is probably one of my worst fears on a bike. I've always walked when I encountered horses, as there are always idiots out there that do not...whats the word...I can't remember...but they ride their horse on public trails without having it "trailbroken" yet. Or some are ridden by highly unexperienced riders, too young to control their animal, or it could be both (as was my most recent Horse Encounter of the MTB kind).


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
dwaugh said:
I am doing a research project and need to use some real numbers in an anaylsis. What I need is an idea of how many people are courteous to hikers (for example) and watch out for them on the trail. :monkey:

I always at least say hello to them, to everyone who passes, and hope that they do the same in return. Annoying when they dont.
David, you might want to have more options to your survey, like rate it on a scale from 1 to 5; just some advice from a weathered college student.