precisely equal to voting for someone primarily b/c you share the same race as themActually, I'd expand that last comment to "**** anyone who's not me" mentality.
the worst racism is unacknowledged racism
and can you blame them? once you define (or imply, or leave room for reasonable inference) that something is an entitlement, the american hominid can be quite indignant if you show signs of taking away their rice bowl. being unearned is irrelevant.People today want to get back more than they put in, always, in every case, from every single government program. There is no compassion, no "good of society", just "what's in it for me?"
his arguments look 'sane'? when he says 'there's an agreement we have with the government', this equates to a contract. but who's the arbiter of the contract? a disinterested third party? no. therefore, it is NOT an agreement, where both sides have agreed upon rules that both parties have drafted. our representatives first represent special interests, and if there's any table scraps, well, that's just gravy for which we should genuflect to the headmaster with a most gracious heart.$tinkle - I'm starting to wonder whether your flashes of brilliance are more a case of "a stopped clock is right twice a day" as your inane and rambling posts are more a case of having a talking point and looking for a nail as opposed to any worthwhile dialogue. When Mooshoo's arguments look sane, rational and coherent compared to yours it's obvious that you're really just grasping at straws here.
how do you not get this? and how do you respond with talking points without a whiff of irony? i'm trying my level best to get a worthwhile dialog going, but b/c i'm obviously on the wrong side of an issue that does not have sides, i'm rambling?