
ever done a impromtu Century ?


Nam I am
We ll today I went out to my local club ride with the intent of doing 50 with IF_rider ( there was a 23, 43, 65, and 83 ) we were goign to ride to the start which was 6 miles away.

But IF_rider bagged on me, so I went over to the ride anyway , I know a lot of those riders anyway. well one thing lead to another and before you know it I'm Following a group that has decided to do the 83 , I'm feeling pretty good so I follow !

Did I mention the 83 Mile option had 6000+ feet of climbing ! well I got back to the Start had 89 miles on my Odo , was 6 miles home , so I wanted the century now so I took a longer way home 103 Miles in 6:45

I was happy considering I really did n't eat enough before I left ( but did cary enough with me ) and had one section of road where I was out of water for almost 10 miles before coming to a place for a refill.

But it just feels good to have done one , especilly coming off of the lyme disease.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Did a ride where I planned on doing a 75 mile route that ended up being 127 miles with about 14k of climbing. That ride hurt.