
Ever have a bad dealing with an attractive woman?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I work with a fairly attractive woman, who is from India. I point her nationality out because besides that she is married and we are co-workers, the cultural differences are too great for me to even think about her in that way.

Anyway, my "whine du jour" is an empty coffee urn. Courtesy dictates you take the last cup, you start the coffeemaker. Anyway, in the all the years of working, the only person I caught not making coffee is this attractive woman. She apologized, but she didn't seem apologetic.

This reminded me of a good friend of mine, who is very attractive. When we first met, we were in a group of men and women, and each person took turns buying everyone a drink, except for my attractive friend. The other people and I commented about it afterwards.

A few months after this, I casually mentioned to my friend, and she was shocked. She didn't realize she slighted us by skipping buying a round, because she said she never had to buy drinks for anyone. She was used to having drinks bought for her.

I was wondering if people had similar stories about attractive women (please no misogynistic tales) ...


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
I guess attractive and self centered often go hand in hand. Get your revenge by taking pics and posting them here iin this forum :)


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BeerDemon said:
I guess attractive and self centered often go hand in hand. Get your revenge by taking pics and posting them here iin this forum :)
Should I hide in the bathroom?


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
sanjuro said:
Should I hide in the bathroom?
If that's what it takes.

They don't necesarily need to be nude or anything. Just use your camera phone.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
sanjuro said:
She didn't realize she slighted us by skipping buying a round, because she said she never had to buy drinks for anyone. She was used to having drinks bought for her.
most of them do realize exactly what they're doing.
what's even worse is watching a bunch of horndogs groveling at their feet, thinking that they have a chance.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Serial Midget said:
Pushing the coffee button is a small price to pay for work place eye candy. Most of the women I work with are cows, Jesus freaks or both.
That trully is depressing. Are you still selling shoes?


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
Is anybody else still trying to figure out if the original question even makes sense? What is a "bad dealing"?

Ever not have a good dealing with a not unattractive woman?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
ghostrider said:
Is anybody else still trying to figure out if the original question even makes sense? What is a "bad dealing"?

Ever not have a good dealing with a not unattractive woman?
I think the idea is that hot chicks are generally bitchy and used to getting their way, so bad dealings are more common.


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
BurlyShirley said:
I think the idea is that hot chicks are generally bitchy and used to getting their way, so bad dealings are more common.
Kind of like asking if anybody ever stepped in dog crap. Gonna happen sooner or later no matter what you do.


Dec 11, 2004
This thread reminds me of my favorite saying that I saw inscribed on the wall of the local watering hole's restroom.

"No matter how hot she is, somebody, somewhere, is sick of her s#!*"

These are words to live by!


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Serial Midget said:
Yes... plus size women need to be shod. :oink:
LOL I guess so.....

Whatever happened to you aspirations of working at Home Depot? I see hotties in there all the time.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
stoney98 said:
My roommate is much the same. She is a 9, easily. Absolutely banging, gorgeously hot. Problem is, men have been grovelling at her feet for her entire life. She has no concept of cleaning, does not understand when I get mad because she blocks my car ni the garage, does not understand that the world will not bend to her whim.
She had her first major reality check when I threatened to kick her out of the house because of messes, late bills, and blocking my car in, amongst other items.
Ever since she saw the line in the sand, she has been much more respectful of others.
That being said, the best is going out with her, watching guys buy her drinks, then her just handing them to me. I love it! What's even funnier is that she's given me atleast 5 drinks in the 10 times we've gone out.

Note to self: Never buy a drink for hot chick in the Marina if there is a dude in a yeti hat hanging around. :)
Wondermarmot said:
This thread reminds me of my favorite saying that I saw inscribed on the wall of the local watering hole's restroom.

"No matter how hot she is, somebody, somewhere, is sick of her s#!*"

These are words to live by!

I think i'm going to have to follow you, Wondermarmot is my new clan leader.

I might even write a book......maybe.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
stoney98 said:
My roommate is much the same. She is a 9, easily. Absolutely banging, gorgeously hot. Problem is, men have been grovelling at her feet for her entire life. She has no concept of cleaning, does not understand when I get mad because she blocks my car ni the garage, does not understand that the world will not bend to her whim.
She had her first major reality check when I threatened to kick her out of the house because of messes, late bills, and blocking my car in, amongst other items.
Ever since she saw the line in the sand, she has been much more respectful of others.
That being said, the best is going out with her, watching guys buy her drinks, then her just handing them to me. I love it! What's even funnier is that she's given me atleast 5 drinks in the 10 times we've gone out.
The girl i am "dating" right now is like this, it's hilarious to watch guys try and buy her drinks if i show up to meet her or something...Everything you guys are saying is true...Guys need to get over it sometimes....ugh this thread is funny.


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
I hung out w/ a stupid stupid stupid hot chick back in VA when I was in college. She was 19 going on 20 and didn't know how to pump her own gas. I know there are full service states and this may be common elsewhere, but it blew my mind. She wanted to be respected and known for her mind and all that other bs, but then she would use her appearance to get her way.

It was always funny to watch these dudes throw themelves at her w/ me right beside her. I never understood why cats do that. There were 2 golden rules I was taught by the old man when I was a wee one...1. don't f-ck w/ another man's stuff(cars/tools/home/etc) and 2. don't f-ck w/ another man's girl. I guess I was raised differently.

She was a huge handfull and it didn't work out, but she is still the single hottest girl who's ever for some reason shown interest in me.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
d.e.f. said:
I hung out w/ a stupid stupid stupid hot chick back in VA when I was in college. She was 19 going on 20 and didn't know how to pump her own gas. I know there are full service states and this may be common elsewhere, but it blew my mind. She wanted to be respected and known for her mind and all that other bs, but then she would use her appearance to get her way.

It was always funny to watch these dudes throw themelves at her w/ me right beside her. I never understood why cats do that. There were 2 golden rules I was taught by the old man when I was a wee one...1. don't f-ck w/ another man's stuff(cars/tools/home/etc) and 2. don't f-ck w/ another man's girl. I guess I was raised differently.

She was a huge handfull and it didn't work out, but she is still the single hottest girl who's ever for some reason shown interest in me.
DUDE! i know exactly what your talking about, people have basically tried to fight me just because i left a bar with her, it's like whoa there buddy...

pathetic honestly. I dont fight or get fired up about it but they def do.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
At one of my jobs, the secretary could have been a playboy model, and I did notice how many heads turned when we walk around the mall.

And one of my buddies looked like Brad Pitt, and I noticed women staring him!


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
stoney98 said:
She has no concept of cleaning, does not understand when I get mad because she blocks my car ni the garage, does not understand that the world will not bend to her whim.

she understands completely, she just knows she can push it, generally as far as she wants too before someone says something. Hot women aren't oblivious, they just know what they've got, and how much its worth to most men. They know what they can get away with.


stoney98 said:
Point. I guess that is why she didn't take it so well when I called her out. I drew the line and when she tried to push it, I gave her a 30-day notice. It's amazing how people respond when they realize that they are not going to get their way.
A bunch of them end up in porn, in unenviable positions.


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
manhattanprjkt83 said:
and you make fun of my car...

Nope, I have no issues w/ anyone's car. I think you've got a jetta, right?

I was just making my stupid movie quote reference. I had to explain this one to mtbrider a few weeks ago. There is no Easter Bunny!!!

did no one watch mallrats??


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Yep, all the time... usually has to do with not taking out the trash, putting dishes in dishwasher with a half-assed rinse job... etc.

Today it was... shaved dog while she was out of town without talking to her about it. it WAS a beautiful Great Pyranees... Now it is an ugly Great Pyranees. I am a bad dog barber, very bad... I just learned this today.


d.e.f. said:
Nope, I have no issues w/ anyone's car. I think you've got a jetta, right?

I was just making my stupid movie quote reference. I had to explain this one to mtbrider a few weeks ago. There is no Easter Bunny!!!

did no one watch mallrats??
yeah the easter bunny kicked his ass.