
Ever have a bad dealing with an attractive woman?

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Tenchiro said:
If it doesn't end in pepper spray, it was a good dealing.
Approved! (edit: crap....I didn't think I was out already....)

I don't think I've ever, knowingly, just let anyone (let alone a hot chick...I figure it's a solid gold way to talk to a hot chick!!) get away with something that cheesed me off....I'm pretty forgetful and easy going though....But once something goes awry, I make a point of fixing it, cause if it festers, it just ends up blowing up later....

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
BeerDemon said:
LOL I guess so.....

Whatever happened to you aspirations of working at Home Depot? I see hotties in there all the time.
Home Depot wouldn't have me. I asked for $10.00 an hour and 20 hours a week. They said I didn't have enough "big box" experience... :nopity:


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Another bad woman episode. Some commercial came on and it was some guy in the shower with his wife outside the shower talking to him (I think it was a shampoo commercial). The wife asks her husband, if you had to choose one of my friends which one would it be, the guy got this look on his face like he was in deep sh!t... I laughed because it was funny because the guy was basically screwed... then my wife turns to me and says... "so, who would it be". I basically said, "HELL NO". Thats when she started guessing for me, you'd get with her huh. There was no good way out so I threw in the towel... I left the room and got a glass of whiskey and went to bed. Stupid commercial.


If you tell your wife you already banged 3 of her friends she'll stop asking.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
golgiaparatus said:
Another bad woman episode. Some commercial came on and it was some guy in the shower with his wife outside the shower talking to him (I think it was a shampoo commercial). The wife asks her husband, if you had to choose one of my friends which one would it be, the guy got this look on his face like he was in deep sh!t... I laughed because it was funny because the guy was basically screwed... then my wife turns to me and says... "so, who would it be". I basically said, "HELL NO". Thats when she started guessing for me, you'd get with her huh. There was no good way out so I threw in the towel... I left the room and got a glass of whiskey and went to bed. Stupid commercial.
I would have named names. That way you can be sure she would never ask such a thing again. :cool:


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
golgiaparatus said:
There was no good way out so I threw in the towel... I left the room and got a glass of whiskey and proceeded to punch her in the mouth. Stupid commercial.
Well done. :)

Disclosure: I don't condone the punching of ladies and would never do so myself. But sometimes we joke about it.


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
golgiaparatus said:
Another bad woman episode. Some commercial came on and it was some guy in the shower with his wife outside the shower talking to him (I think it was a shampoo commercial). The wife asks her husband, if you had to choose one of my friends which one would it be, the guy got this look on his face like he was in deep sh!t... I laughed because it was funny because the guy was basically screwed... then my wife turns to me and says... "so, who would it be". I basically said, "HELL NO". Thats when she started guessing for me, you'd get with her huh. There was no good way out so I threw in the towel... I left the room and got a glass of whiskey and went to bed. Stupid commercial.
You need to watch this: http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/2200.html

Be advised the language isn't for tender ears.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
I use to hate when the Hot Chicks would come into my bar. Like shaking a little a$$ and a low cut shirt should get you a free drink. the worst is that they for some reason think it is ok to not leave a tip. Stingy b!tches


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
Tenchiro said:
If it doesn't end in pepper spray, it was a good dealing.
frikkin hilarious.

two very attractive young ladies just moved in up stairs this past weekend.
the conversations i've had with them, lead me to believe they're not snobby at all. but they also didn't have any guys helping them move in either.

there's got to be a catch.

(maybe i can at least hold the camera.)

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
stoney98 said:
That being said, the best is going out with her, watching guys buy her drinks, then her just handing them to me. I love it! What's even funnier is that she's given me atleast 5 drinks in the 10 times we've gone out.

So does that mean you've been drinking Cosmos and Appletinis instead of ...I dont know...something more manly? J/K:)