
Ever have a bum come up to you while you were on a bike?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
And when he asked you for money, you said, "Sorry, if I had money I wouldn't be riding a bike?"

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
was riding in Tulsa one night and me and my friend stopped for a minute and a hurricane evacuee came up and said "Hi" and then asked if we had heard what had just happened across the parking lot with him and another guy he asked for $$. I said no, and the evacuee told us that when he asked that person for a little cash, the person (if you'd call him that), called him, and I quote, ".....a stupid nigger, and to get the f#ck away from him before he kicked his ass". When he told us that, I wished that I had heard that so we could have opened up a can of Chuck Norris on his bigot ass. And, alas, I didn't have any cash on me, so we said sorry and left.

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
robdamanii said:
I think this begs the question....

How much (if any) cash do you carry when you ride?

I usually throw my wallet with my debit card in my camelbak and sometimes $5 or $10. I do however carry $5000 worth of black tar heroin and a claymore mine in the camelbak at all times :blah: :)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I carry less than $10, usually, just enough to get something to eat if I really crash hard and need more than a candy bar.

I only ever had one guy ask me for money while I was on my bike. I told him I didn't have any cash on me (not true, but all I had was a few bucks for riding food). I'm not sure if it's all that rational to say you're broke when the bike you're riding on is worth more than most people's cars ;)


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I get hit up all the time for $ in downtown Phoenix. A lot of homeless people ride bikes down here, and I've given away tubes and helped people fix flats, but I rarely donate to bad habits (except my own).


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Cooter Brown said:
I usually throw my wallet with my debit card in my camelbak and sometimes $5 or $10. I do however carry $5000 worth of black tar heroin and a claymore mine in the camelbak at all times :blah: :)
Is the claymore to eliminate the bike cop behind you or dispose of the good when you get caught?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Not while on my bike. But I was wlking down the street yesterday and a guy that was proboaly pushing 350lbs came up asking for money because he was "hungry". :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
sanjuro said:
And when he asked you for money, you said, "Sorry, if I had money I wouldn't be riding a bike?"
You know what's even better, ask them for money. When you know someone is going to give you a line, you know the "I was driving to visit my dead mother, and my car broke down." "I just need $25 to fix it." Turn it around, and ask them for money. Watch their response...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
I know a guy who makes enough money for food and a small place to live off of returning cans that he finds in the street. I hate beggars, I don't owe them anything. Maybe if they didn't spend all of their time begging they could get something going. People who are actually trying hard but just can't make ends meet is a whole other story for me, I do feel bad for those people.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
Yeah. I was riding through a less than savory part of town and had to stop to fix a flat. I stopped in front of some fast food place because it was well lit, but it was right next to a $.99 store. This lady walked up, then told me I was about the same age as her sons and would have to compete with them for a place in heaven. She then proceeded to tell me how she couldn't leave Ontario because that's where the government was and they owned her. She asked for cash for a place to stay because it was getting cold.

I'm a dick, so I got the tire back on the rim and took off to fix it a few blocks down.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
I don't carry money when i ride and when we used to ride street in richmond bums used to always ask us outside the 711 we met.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
kidwoo said:
All the bums up here are spoiled 18 year olds with credit cards connected to their parents bank accounts.

I ask them for money.
One time with some "trustafarians", I used "Naah, I'm saving my money for pot".

Another time, I was at a business training class in Beaverton, a rather wealthy suburb. I went for a walk with other dude from Philly, a working class guy. We stopped at the skate park and some white kids asked for some money. I asked why they needed cash. He said he was hungry.

I told him to go home and have mommy make you a sandwich. The Philly dude could not stop laughing, considering the kind of bums he has to deal with at home.

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
sanjuro said:
And when he asked you for money, you said, "Sorry, if I had money I wouldn't be riding a bike?"

Without a doubt. The worst is when they ask you how much you paid and then start telling you that their cousin has a bike thats 'just like yours'. Hence this shirt...



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Tame Ape said:
Without a doubt. The worst is when they ask you how much you paid and then start telling you that their cousin has a bike thats 'just like yours'. Hence this shirt...
That really freaks me out, "How much does your bike cost?". When you got some fancy bikes, divulging the real cost seems like an invitation to a mugging.

My Surly is my safe bike. Despite the Chris King, Thomson bling, an entirely black bike has never gathered unnecessary attention.

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
sanjuro said:
That really freaks me out, "How much does your bike cost?". When you got some fancy bikes, divulging the real cost seems like an invitation to a mugging.

My Surly is my safe bike. Despite the Chris King, Thomson bling, an entirely black bike has never gathered unnecessary attention.

Its usually harmless banter. A lot of those guys aren't exactly atheltic or body builders. The street doesn't build them strong. Not to say people don't get jacked from time to time, thats why I wear a surf leash for the wrist/handlebar area.:cool:


Nov 29, 2004
Back when i used to smoke, bums would ask me if i had an extra cigarette. I would reply with, "Sorry my pack only came with twenty." Glad i quit that habit!!!!

On another note, all this talk about bums and how they get money and stuff...I could not help bringing this,http://www.bumvertising.com/ up. It's going on in Seattle. Cracks me up!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am not anti-indigent, btw. One time, my cell phone dropped out of my pocket on BART, and a guy living in SRO called my friends until I was able to get my phone back.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
riverside73 said:
Back when i used to smoke, bums would ask me if i had an extra cigarette. I would reply with, "Sorry my pack only came with twenty." Glad i quit that habit!!!!

On another note, all this talk about bums and how they get money and stuff...I could not help bringing this,http://www.bumvertising.com/ up. It's going on in Seattle. Cracks me up!
The signpost hobo's really tick me off, I mean these are people that are too lazy to even ask you for money.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Yeah often. I think they have a script because I've hear the same thing over and over. Around here it usually goes like this:

Bum (looking generally nondescript and lost) "Do you live around here?"

Me (patiently at first) "Yeah"
Bum "do you know where the nearest gas station is?"
Me: gives directions

Now this can go two ways. This is a tourist town and quite often people are actually lost. Since I'm a generally nice person I try to help out.

If it is a bum this is what comes next:

Bum "Hey man, Can I ask you a question?"
Bum "sad story. lost job. car broke down, blah blah. Don't get paid until Friday blah blah, can you cash a check for me?"

Me "Piss off dude." rides off.

Last time this happened as I started to leave the guy tried to grab my arm to get me to wait. He about got punched. Now that I have heard it a few times I just ride off at "can I ask you a question?"


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
There is a bum here in syracuse that has a sign that says...
I won't lie I just want to buy a beer.

I applaud him for his honesty, but come on. I did see somebody give him a beer though once, it was a can that was frozen solid...poor bum, you better be careful what you ask for.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
GumbaFish said:
There is a bum here in syracuse that has a sign that says...
I won't lie I just want to buy a beer.

I had a bum say that to me once. I told him I was in grad school and that I probably had less money for beer more than he did.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Riding through downtown L.A. one afternoon I had a guy come up and try to sell me a "gold" chain. It was weird because he threw it at me as I was riding and i just rode away with it. The dude kept looking at me so about a block away I waved at him and set the chain down on a hydrant so he could reclaim his property.

It was all very random


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Ciaran said:
Riding through downtown L.A. one afternoon I had a guy come up and try to sell me a "gold" chain. It was weird because he threw it at me as I was riding and i just rode away with it. The dude kept looking at me so about a block away I waved at him and set the chain down on a hydrant so he could reclaim his property.

It was all very random
That's a "hard sell".

[Badum tiss]