
Ever learn something then seem to forget it?


Aug 26, 2007
I've only been riding street for a short while but recently started getting flatland 180's and the fakie roll out.

I went riding yesterday and was just doing the usual stuff then pulled a few 180's. All of a sudden I just..lost something. I know I'll figure it out but its frustrating when you're trying to get a move dialed and then somehow lose the technique.
My confidence took a hit from the 'loss':disgust:

Anyone ever have this happen to them?

Zach Dank

Turbo Monkey
Jun 28, 2005
This happens to me all the time. Opposite cans, 360's, backflips, are all tricks that i've done tons of times, and then i will totaly loose them for a while.
You just have to keep bangin away at em, and they come back.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 27, 2006
Chapel Thrill
ˆˆˆyeah zach cos everyone forgets those things *rolls eyes* :P

nah im just kidding, listen to zach he knows whats up, and that dude can ride no doubt.

just throw more and more of them, dont get sloppy, try to carve into it more, stay centered over the bike etc those are all things to watch out for
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
It happens. I usually just take a day off of the trick and work on other things.

The only time I keep working at it is when my manuals and hop-to-manuals go to crap. Losing any trick is cool with me unless it's in anyway related to a manual. Then I just feel horrible.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
Yes I'v lost a few good tricks over the years , Decades , boomarangs and flairs all very old school flatland tricks that I jsut cant seem to do any longer.
Few other tricks ike fakie tree rides I used to be able to do fairly well when I was younger 14-15 and not they seem impossible now on a big bike , this totallly mental I know .


Dec 7, 2006
Bay Area, CA
seems like i lose and gain things all the time. my manuals go back and fourth every few weeks. they will be fully dialed for a few weeks and seem endless and effortless, then suddenly they'll be all off balance and start to suck. lately wallrides have been tough as well. i felt like i had them decently on vert walls for a bit, but then one day i almost fell doing one and ever since they've been off. it happens, it sucks but you gotta keep doing them so you get them back.
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
Yes I'v lost a few good tricks over the years , Decades , boomarangs and flairs all very old school flatland tricks that I jsut cant seem to do any longer.
Few other tricks ike fakie tree rides I used to be able to do fairly well when I was younger 14-15 and not they seem impossible now on a big bike , this totallly mental I know .
Get those decades back! It'd be epic to see someone throw one of those in the middle of a street ride!


Aug 26, 2007
I take comfort in that it appears to be a normal thing. Thanks for posting up.

I really think my main problem this time around is I'm not carving into it like I was. I'm taking a little time off to clear the head and start fresh. Hopefully that'll help.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
I have found if i'm trying to learn a harder trick it's easier if I jsut do it , and not spend the time thining about how it should be done.
Personally if i crash trying a new trick 3-4 times then I'm done for at that point I'm only going through the motion my body has already done a few times over so I'v basically screwed myself from the get go .
This might be the reason I like DH trials I havent ridden before so much , flying into a new drop for the first time you sorta make yourself pull it or you die .
Wish some of the street trick's i try were this simple .


Jul 18, 2005
Dirty South
Totally happens all the time. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt.... just know better not to push it when its just not going to happen. Take a break, try it a few days later and youre golden.


Oct 18, 2003
U-District, WA
this always happens with tailtaps (out of quarters) and hop to manuals for me. sometimes it happens with tabletops too. i swear i had the sickest tabletops when i was like 16, and now they're just mediocre. (i'm still only 18 but w/e).