
Ever puke after a wreck?


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
For some reason, yesterday after a bad wreck, while I sat there for a few minutes, I felt like I was gonna Lego my Egos.

That was the first time it has ever happened but it was strange. Mabye it's because I can't stand looking at my own blood, or the fact that I hit my chin, nose and forehead pretty hard also (no fullface helmet).

Also need some opinions on knee injuries. I was only wearing an XC helmet and shin guards when I went down HARD in a creek bed/DH course. It looks like my knees took the brunt of the fall. But within 10 minutes I was at the car cleanign out the gash and icing down, so the swelling isn't that bad.

Plus I iced on and off for about 12 hours, so that seemed to help also. BUt my right knee is still swelled up preety good around the knee cap. I hope it is from swelling of blood and not from infection. Cause when I got to the car I washed all the dirt out with water then put antibiotic cream on it then started icing.

When I got home, I cleaned the gash out real good with peroxide (I thought this stuff was painless!). And after the screaming put Bactine on and then some Neosporin packed in the wound.

But this morning it is swelled up pretty big, and my knee cap feels gritty when I move it now. And the wound is almost a black color. Is that infection or dried blood.

BTW, I did ice my knees again this morning and clean out the wound with peroxide, Bactine and Neosporin.

Great, now I feel like i'm gonna pass out.



Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Vomiting is a sign of concussion...so if you hit your head real hard when you crashed...that could be the problem. I once bashed my face into a tree during a dirtbike race. Everything turned all orange and I kept throwing up inside my helmet for a while. It sucked.

Dont know about your sissy knees though.


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
Didn't think about a concussion. That makes sense. I will probably go to my doctor tommorow anyway, just to be safe.

Sissy huh?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I puke a lot during races...not wrecking...I just hurl...

I didn't puke after my concussion, but I don't remember my concussion soooo...


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
I banged my knee once and nearly puked from the pain.

Don't use peroxide to clean out wounds. It also makes it scar worse.

Clean the wound. Rinse the wound well with clear water. A tweezers cleaned with alcohol may be used to remove small, superficial particles. If larger debris still remains more deeply embedded in the wound, see your doctor. Thorough wound cleaning reduces the risk of tetanus. To clean the area around the wound, use soap and a washcloth. You can also use hydrogen peroxide, iodine or an iodine-containing cleanser, but these substances are irritating to living cells. Don't apply them directly to the wound itself.

Big E

Jan 22, 2004
Hell Paso Texas
dude your knees is far from infected. i dont treat my wounds that well and i dont get infections. and whp cares if you use peroxide. chicks dig scars


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Big E said:
dude your knees is far from infected. i dont treat my wounds that well and i dont get infections. and whp cares if you use peroxide. chicks dig scars

Not only does it cause scarring, but it is damaging to the healing process.

However, there are several reasons why experts are choosing to avoid the use of hydrogen peroxide and other antiseptic (germ-killing) solutions.

For instance, hydrogen peroxide damages the tissue that it is trying to heal. It does this by disturbing the growth of new blood vessels. These vessels carry food and oxygen to the healing tissue. It also damages certain cells that are needed for the growth of new fibres in the wound. These actions slow down the healing process significantly.

Moreover, hydrogen peroxide releases gas bubbles once it touches the wound. These bubbles are sometimes forced under the skin and can then mistakenly be thought of as gas gangrene. If hydrogen peroxide is used to pack a sinus, it can, albeit rarely, cause a gas bubble to enter the blood stream (air embolus).

As you can see, hydrogen peroxide is not a very desirable solution to use in wound care. As a matter of fact, neither are the other products that are commonly sold for this purpose (povidone-iodine, weak chlorine solutions, vinegar, or chlorhexidine), as they all slow healing time. Those with diabetes should be especially careful not to use them, especially on large wounds or ulcers. (Remember though - inappropriately-cared-for small wounds can soon become large!)

Experts suggest that the best method for cleaning an uncomplicated wound is to use gentle flushing with normal saline, which can be obtained from most drugstores, or even made up. The pressure used when flushing should be no stronger than that you would use for rinsing the eye. This gentleness will prevent the damage of any new cells that are trying to close the wound. Only experts should care for more complicated wounds.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I almost puked after a ski wreck once. I came about as close to puking as you can without actually losing it. I thought that came on as a result of pain (I tore a muscle in my leg in that wreck).


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
I Are Baboon said:
I almost puked after a ski wreck once. I came about as close to puking as you can without actually losing it. I thought that came on as a result of pain (I tore a muscle in my leg in that wreck).
Cause your a girly man!

KInda like me... :blah:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
I got whacked in the bean bag with a wiffle ball bat and puked about 1 minute later when the delayed pain struck...... I did in fact puke on the guy that hit me with the bat so karma got balanced that day.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
never puked after a concussion before, but in football last season, i got a bad concussion and couldnt remember anything within two weeks of when it happened. :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Almost puked after taking a shot to the ribs with my handlebar. Never knew peroxide was bad maybe thats why my legs look like land mines went off all over them.


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
not saying this is the case for the threadstarter, but all should be mindful of nausea and diahrea after a crash as they are signs of internal bleeding....which could lead to death. many also feel a strange tingling sensation in one of their shoulders when they are bleeding internally.


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
Jesus said:
Okay, i'll stop with the Peroxide.

But I didn't read anything bad about Bactine!

Should I keep the wound moist or let it dry out?
keep it moist. when its moist the tissue can move better to heal it faster. useing things like polysporin(sp? its an antibiotic crea,) help keep it moist and prevents infection. ewwww.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I get tunnelvision after a good crash and sometimes my fingers and cheeks go numb. Same things happen when I get a migraine, usually puking makes a migraine feel better. I've never actually puked but I've felt nauseated after crashing, I've never had a concussion from biking just one from when I was about 5 years old and I smashed my head into a handrail that was about 3 inches too low to walk under, I guess I underestimated my height that day, woke up on the ground with my parents staring at me.