
Ever read a post by N8...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
blue said:
Might I add that most of the founding fathers were Deists?
May I also add that at that time, (pre-Darwin, remember) being a Deist was about as close as you could get to being godless without being lynched.

And also, being pre-Darwin, believing in some kind of deity made rational sense. Go back a little further, and Zeus throwing thunderbolts made sense as well. (Not to everyone though, Democritus and Epicurus had some wacky ideas that turned out to be pretty impressive.)

Of course, these days we all (Christians and Muslims) included, laugh at those primitive societies who thought that Zeus was the cause of thunder and lightning. I find it odd that the irony is rarely pointed out.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Damn True said:
The gift that should be cherished is the God given, and government enforced right to believe or not believe, practice or not practice a given religion. The symbols you see are honorific to the source of that ethos.
Wrong again.

The rights we receive come from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, not from god. If we received our rights from god, then we would have the right to stone someone who worships false idols.

I'll also add my voice to the cacophony in telling you (once again) that the founding fathers were deist, not Judeo-Christian. You said you went to high school (in response to this the first time around) yet you didn't learn that? How odd.

Also, my right to not believe is infringed when the gov. endorses a specific religion by putting overtly religious symbols on gov. property.